Bellville Presbyterian Church
Bellville Presbyterian Church is situated outside Lurgan in Northern Ireland. It is a member church of Armagh Presbytery and was founded in 1863.
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facebook.comAs a response to the interest shown in the pictures of past ministers in our previous post below, here is a photo of Rev. Whiteside with the Bellville Sunday School group. We don't have an exact date or details of the other people in the picture, but we are reasonably confident that it was taken about 1924. Our thanks to Anne Turkington who provided the photo - her father Samuel Castles is 4th from the left in the back row.
On 8th Sept. 2013 Bellville held a special service to celebrate 150 years since it's opening in 1863. This is the cover for the evening order of service, and the eagle eyed among you will notice that William's photo appears twice in the circle. This is because he is now finishing his second spell in charge of Bellville having already been here for a short period before Rev Willard Kelly arrived in 2000.
On Thursday 21st Feb. 2013 a new sign was erected outside the church. This was the first time Rev. Harshaw's name was displayed to the public as they drove past the church on their daily business, indeed the first sign outside Bellville for over 20 years..
This Sunday, 15th April, Rev Harshaw will preach his final sermon in Bellville before retiring from the ministry. We take a look back at some of the events during his time with us since his installation on 23rd August 2009, a service which was conducted by the then moderator of P.C.I. the Rev. Dr. Stafford Carson. This first memory took place on 1st April 2011 when Mary McKee and The Genesis presented an evening of music and outreach in Bellville. Here, William is seen presenting Mary with a bouquet of flowers at the end of the evening.
Another of the photographs which were taken at a reception for Rev. Philip McConnell on 2nd June 1995. This one shows Emma and Victoria Parks, with Robert Hamill and four young friends that I can't put Christian names to - if you can name them then please let us know.
Another of the photographs which were taken at a reception for Rev. Philip McConnell on 2nd June 1995. Jim and Ray Hughes with Doreen Phillips in the background.
Another of the photographs which were taken at a reception for Rev. Philip McConnell on 2nd June 1995. Reading from right to left, Andrew Hamill, Leila Cordner (Gorman), Florrie Gorman, Margaret Lyttle, Willie Hamill, Tommy Lyttle, Jim Hughes. Behind Willie Hamill is Lily Turkington and behind Tommy Lyttle is Ray Hughes and Doreen Phillips.
Another of the photographs which were taken at a reception for Rev. Philip McConnell on 2nd June 1995. This one shows Emma Parks presenting a basket of flowers to Mrs. McConnell.
Last week we came across some photographs which were taken at a reception for Rev. Philip McConnell on 2nd June 1995. We will publish some of them here over the next few days. The first one is of Rev. McConnell and our late elder Robert (Bob) Russell, with Doreen Parks in the background. Rev. McConnell served both Bellville and Waringstown until they split in 1998.
It was with great sadness that we learned on Monday morning of the passing of Tommy Lyttle after a long period of illness. Tommy was well liked by everyone and always had a smile and a few words of encouragement as you entered the Church on Sunday morning. He married Margaret Hamill in Bellville on 6th January 1951 and they settled in Portadown. In 2008 Tommy returned to Bellville and worshipped here every Sunday, missing only one service in his first four years and he continued to worship with us until June 2016 at which point ill health took over and he was unable to continue. His funeral took place on Wednesday from Poot's Funeral Parlour in Portadown to Seagoe Old Cemetry, the service being lovingly conducted by his good friend Errol McCrory. Tommy had come to know The Lord as his Saviour during his final years and our sadness at his passing is surpassed by our joy in the knowledge that he is now at home with the Lord.
Sunday 11th February turned out to be an emotional day for both the congregation of Bellville and for the Rev. William Harshaw as he announced his retirement from the ministry. He will preach his last Bellville sermon with us on Sunday 15th April after eight and a half years in his second spell as incumbent in Bellville and we would expect a good turn out of present and past members to come along and offer their best wishes for his retirement. William's cheerful enthusiasm and wit will be sadly missed, as will the presence of his wife Jill who has been a guiding light for the young people who come along to the Sunday School each week. It can be difficult in certain situations to find suitable words to describe someone's influence over time, but two words stand out when speaking about William and Jill - Faith and Love. It is our prayer that we can maintain the standards they have set for us as we say goodbye on 15th April.
Sunday 24th December is the date for our annual carol service which takes place at the normal time of 10:30am. We would welcome anyone who wishes to come along for the service and join with us for an hour of carols and Bible readings. After the service we will have a short time together in the Russell Hall and share our thoughts over a cuppa and a minced pie or two. Everyone is very welcome, so please think about joining in with us as we celebrate and prepare for the very special day which follows.