Geoff Gates - Weightloss Mentor
Online Weight -Loss Mentor & Body Transformation specialist Would you to like to lose weight quickly, be happy and worry less.
UK Leading Body transformation expert and creator of the Limitless Programme
My goal is to help 1 million people, get fit and live longer
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facebook.comHave you ever work upon at 3 am thinking everything in your life is fucked? Like you are stuck in quicksand and you are now about to be swallowed up forever I had this a lot last year and the #1 reason why I think this was happening ….BAD DIET I going to give you some advice here that just might pull you out of that ever diluting quicksand before you do get swallowed up in a world of health problems and unhappiness I blame sugar straight off because a shit diet will decrease your serotonin and dopamine levels which will leave you feeling like the world is crumbling around you And trust me this can be hard to break free from You will NOT feel like working out You will say to yourself “WHY BOTHER” and everything will seem hard and a complete SHITEMARE So how do we break free from this I am going to let you into a secret of how I have so much success with my clients and myself for that matter and it's a ridiculously simple concept but very hard to do FEEL GOOD FIRST the first thing I do with my clients on the Limitless program is get them in a happy state first all the 15-minute meals in the world won't help you if you haven’t put in a solid foundation to build on so what we do is give you back that personal power because when you are happy in your journey it's really easy to lose weight and get to EXACTLY the size you want how cool would it be to be happy naked to wear the clothes you want to have unlimited energy and most importantly know for certain you have added years of quality years to your life most people think this is a dream but in reality, it's not that hard to achieve once you have that foundation that foundation is built with a cement made from your NEW VALUES the old values are slowly worked out If you don't do this and continue trying the same thing over and over what happens is that you feel like you have to genuinely have to give up something that you will be living a life that you don't want to, like you will be deprived and miserable forever and that causes one thing A CONFLICTION So then in your mind, you don't really know what you want so you jump between one diet and the next a week on a week off and this can and WILL go on indefinitely until you change your values AND EMBRACE THE CHANGE tag someone that needs to hear this :)
THE SECRET SAUCE TO FAT LOSS ========================================= Belly fat has to be the #1 item on the ‘GET RID LIST ‘ It has the power to literally infiltrate all the tiny areas of your life, all without you really noticing .…until its too late Most people actually KNOW how to get lose weight but finding the motivation to do so is another bag of chips completely Maybe you have been stuck in a rut a few months or even a few years it doesn't matter, I want to help you turn it around TODAY ! Here is 7 steps to get started RIGHT NOW Your BIG why ---------------------------- 99% of people who come to me at the beginning don't actually know exactly what they want apart from the fact they want to lose weight. They are that wrapped up in the dilemma of the situation that they don't actually stop to think about what they REALLY want . You may want to feel sexy again for your partner, have more energy, worry less about health , look good in a suit a dress …naked ! NOW…This is the beauty and the power when you have strong enough whys, it sort of generates new motivation, because now its real, its do-able and you can have it all , getting excited ? Well you should be because most of the time people don't even believe they can do it , its like me trying to get the motivation to be a world class ballot dancer, its just not happening 2. Lazar target specific goals --------------------------------------- Write these down somewhere and put them somewhere you can see them all the time. Words have power and again make it more real 3. Get support ---------------------------------------- I have an awesome group search #limitless but there are tons out there , find one that suits you, get involved and ask questions. Don't be afraid to do this, you might feel your questions are crap and silly but I can assure you lots of other people are in the same boat as you! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER 4. Be happy now ------------------------------------------ I think one of the reasons why I get so many successful results is because we work on getting happy right now. We get buzzing and hyped up and then from that point things are just easier. do you ever get days when you are just brimming with motivation , then the old feelings of “I’m crap” pop into your head and the motivation you just had just flies off like a butterfly ,and of course the more you chase that butterfly the more it seems to elude you ? You have to change your mindset from thinking that exercise is a punishment to looking at the way it is , a reward because health is a reward. Sometimes people get stuck into the mindset of “when I lose x amount of weight then ill be happy” This is a recipe for disaster, disconnect yourself from the outcome and get happy now then enjoy the process , much better and a more fun option I can assure you 5. Progress not perfection ----------------------------------------------- I will let you into a secret with this one , you are not ever going to do things perfect , you will slip up , expect this and enjoy it . Look at it like this whatever you do MOST of the time will have an effect on your life . I like to keep an 80% rule unless of course I’m training and eating for extreme results , but as a general rule if you can workout and eat well 80% of the time the thats it, you win ! What I'm guessing is you do it like this, you work hard , do well then eat a cream bun and your life is over, you have to scrap that day completely. Then when you get up the next day you feel that you are starting from scratch again, this demotivates you a little and rob of personal power and suddenly you feel like you HAVE TO EAT CRAP. And when comes to working out forget about it, why bother ….sound familiar ( I can feel you nod your head ) 6. Develop a routine thats extension off you -------------------------------------------------- This is what I teach my clients to do. We work on getting a personal system in place that is easy, gets the results you want and becomes like second nature. This alone really is the recipe for success because there is no diet out there that will solve this, no workout either I'm afraid it's simply a combination of strategies that WORK FOR YOU AND NOT AGAINST YOU. 7. Set a short term goal ---------------------------------------------------- I actually believe in the quick fix , I think a lot of the time its essential. Now I'm talking about guzzling some rancid tea and suddenly waling up 18 lbs lighter the next day but what I do mean is getting some results really quickly and by your own efforts. Because when you do this your will get a confidence boost, you will know YOU done this, so what else can you do ? Then when you get to where you want to be THEN we can sustain it. -------------------------------------------------------- Anyway I hope this helps you and you have got some value from it If you would like to chat my door is always open Peace #limitless
LETS UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL =========================================== Think of your weight loss goals and your desires as locked in your own personal safe. Now as we all know you need the correct combination to open a safe. You need to know your what is driving you and what is stopping you. What your fears are, what your limiting beliefs are, everyone is different. It comes down to experiences you have had in the past what makes up these. CLICK What healthy foods do you really like, what do you not, what body type are you, are you insulin resistant or not these are all factors that must be taken into consideration when designing YOUR perfect diet plan, you see following someone else diet means you are trying to open the wrong safe, it needs to be your unique combination. CLICK No pain no gain, personally I don't believe in this statement and can even put you off doing anything at all. Listen,working out properly is just uncomfortable like any major lifestyle change, if it's painful you are doing something wrong. Again like diet it must be your own personal plan, your own unique combination, it has to be something that you enjoy, something that you can manage at your own level but still progressively challenges you, the minute you are working on someone else level is the moment when you will feel demotivated, because once again you're trying to open the wrong safe. CLICK When you have all of these unique combinations in place and you finally crack your personal safe then thats where truly life changing results will be found. Message me today and we will crack your safe by tonight.
BREAKFAST :) #limitless
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DO YOU SKIP BREAKFAST ? Sometimes I do But other times I don't Always remember never try to set things in stone If you wake up and don't want to eat until lunch ...that's cool If you wake up starving ...try this breakfast -skillet -for-hungry-people 😛 #limitless #weightlossmentor #healthyfood #healthy #breakfastofchampions #breakfastinbed #fit #foodporn #instahealth #instagood #friday #chorizo #limitlesslifestyle #weightlossmotivation
Peanut Butter Chicken Hit ❤️ if you like peanut butter with everything Full recipes in my Limitless Coaching group in the bio #limitless #limitlesslife #weightlossmentor #fitfam #sixpack #weightlossjourney #instahealth #instadaily #foodporn #food #healthy #healthyfood #peanutbutter #peanutbutterjunkie #instamood
Lower Carb Fish N Chips ========================== I really could have done with a battered Cod from my local fry merchant But I didn't, not today anyway So decided to knock up a low Carb version with celeriac chips Yummy ..and kinda posh I think I've posted the video recipe in my Facebook group ☝️☝️in the bio 🌟 #limitless #limitlesslifestyle #lowcarb #healthyfood #healthy #instahealth #instacool #foodporn #loveyourlife #fitfam #gym #sixpack #weightlossmentor #weightlossjourney ❤️
I actually forgot how good Eggs Benedict really is I also got a reminder that I need to work on my poached eggs game big time #deanesdeli #weightlossmentor #limitless #instagram #instamood #instahealth #instalike #instagood #foodporn #fitfam #belfast #lovebelfast
HOW TO SET YOURSELF UP TO WIN THIS WEEK ==================================== Overwhelm can be easily overcome by simply doing a little planning The hardest part of any endeavor is getting started Try this Schedule in 3 non negotiable workouts this week Anything more is a bonus but you must complete 3 ! Check out this workout You can do it anytime I use it in the morning sometimes or even when I have to solve a problem (it works) Hell you could even do this right now I dare you If you do Tell me how you feel now
How to get started with your weight loss journey 🌟🌟🌟 Like this ? What more👉