Lossiemouth Baptist Church
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facebook.comAs a church there is loads going on locally and globally regarding mission. Please remember, in prayer, the following people from LBC, who are serving or preparing to serve, in other places across the world. Judy Campbell, 🇹🇿, Tanzania James and Katy Miller (&Ed and Anni) 🇮🇳 India Deborah James, 🇲🇬 Madagascar Rhiannon Cleghorn, 🇲🇿 Mozambique Imogen Spencer, Soul Survivor, England Sandy Mcleod, 🇵🇭 Philippines Phil and Clare Reynolds, 🇮🇳 India Peter and Lesley Butcher 🇷🇴 Romania Please remember them In prayer. #totheendsoftheearth
A great night of prayer at LBC tonight. #prayerworks
This Sunday we are looking forward to having a specific focus on mission. At our 11am service Rhiannon Cleghorn will be commissioned for her GAP year with BMS. Also we are delighted that Hans and Melissa Cools and their family are with us at our 11am and 6pm services today. They are preparing to serve overseas with MAF. Service times as normal, 915am, 11am &6pm.
Christmas cantata practices starting this Sunday. come along and get involved. 130pm until 330pm. Pot luck lunch before hand optional.
Check this out. LBC are hosting a workshop called the "PG workshop" on Saturday 23rd September. It is run by The Naked Truth Project and aims to resource, parents, guardians, grandparents, youth workers etc on how to cope with the challenges of the digital age. A finger buffet will be laid on by the 1629 as well. Please check this out and come along.
All men are invited on Saturday the 16th September to a Morning of fellowship. We are meeting at Aroma for breakfast followed by pitch and putt. The cost is £8 per person. Please sign on the list on the board in church crush hall if you would like to go and accept this invite.
If you have started coming to the church during the last 6 months, we would like to invite you to a "Soup and Sandwich" lunch following the 11am service on Sun 17th September, to meet some of the church leaders and to hear about our church ethos and current activities.
The next LBC Combined Fellowship Prayer Meeting is on Wednesday the 6th September at 730pm in the church. This has been so well attended in the past and we ask that people would continue to make this a priority. Please share and spread the word. There will be no small groups this week. #plugintothepowerofprayer
Christmas Cantata at LBC on Friday 8th, Sat 9th and Sun 10th December. Get the dates in your diary.
Another Baptismal service is happening soon. If you are interested contact the office.
Why. It come along to LBC tomorrow at one of our three services? #beblessed #Godisonthemove