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Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK

Box BM PSA , London, United Kingdom
Political organization



Founded in 1982, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has become the largest and most active campaigning organisation in the UK on the issue of Palestine. Founded in 1982, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has become the largest and most active campaigning organisation in the UK on the issue of Palestine. We aim to build an effective mass campaign, organising protests, political lobbying and raising public awareness.

We are an independent, non-governmental and non-party political organisation with members from many communities across Britain - and increasingly throughout the world.

PSC's core values:

- Is founded on principles of justice, human rights, and opposition to all forms of racism.

- Supports the Palestinian right of return as stipulated in UN Resolution 194

- Organises campaigns, demonstrations and public meetings in the UK. It liaises with European and other organisations when ever possible.

- Works to highlight the human rights abuses committed by the Israelis and to raise awareness on the issue of Palestine to the general public


Siblings of hunger-striker Samer El-Issawi sentenced to prison

Israel doesn't doesn't just punish Palestinian individuals; it punishes entire Palestinian families. In 2012, Samer El-Issawi, incarcerated in an Israeli prison, went on one of the longest hunger strikes in history. Last week, an Israeli court jailed Samer's brother, Medhat El-Issawi, for eight years and his sister, Shireen El-Issawi, for four years. The Issawi family face constant harassment and intimidation at the hands of the Israeli authorities for their resistance to the occupation, including house demolition and withdrawal of water supplies to their homes.

Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling - Coping with Insecurity - By Salwa Duaibis

"A recent report...conservatively estimates that the Israeli military conducts close to 1,400 night raids on Palestinian communities each year...The Palestinian communities most affected by night raids are on average located within 2 kilometers of an Israeli settlement built in violation of international law. "One village near Ramallah was raided 16 times in just one month, which meant that Israeli soldiers were in the village every other night, waking mothers up, terrifying children, conducting searches, arresting people, and instilling fear, to the point that mothers believe it is not a question of whether their house will be raided and their children arrested, but rather a question of when."

Blind journalist seeks out Palestine's forgotten voices

Budour Hassan was born blind but that hasn't stopped her from becoming a journalist in her native Palestine, covering protests, interviewing the bereaved - and being beaten by Israeli soldiers. Read her inspiring story:

Ask your MP to defend local democracy & human rights - debate - Palestine Solidarity Campaign

On Tuesday MPs have a chance to stand up for British democracy and human rights. Ask them to take part in that debate now.

A moment that changed me: carrying out kidney transplants in Gaza | Salim Hammad

Salim Hammad, a doctor from Liverpool went to Gaza with a charity that carries out kidney transplants. He writes in the Guardian: "Entering Gaza feels like gaining access to a state penitentiary; there are guards, automatic weapons, dogs, gates and the infamous wall, designed to keep the 1.85 million Gazans in, and everything else out... "Daily life in Gaza is interrupted by regular power cuts, some of which last for hours. The hospitals supposedly have back-up generators that take over the power, but in reality this is not always the case. During one of our transplants, the operating theatre was plunged into darkness, and a familiar sigh from the Gazan doctors went round the room. I stood as still and silently as possible, not used to the pitch black mid-operation, and waited for the generators to kick in." Read more:

Israeli soldier says it is his job to frighten 5-year-old Palestinians

Kindergarten children in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron) often face harassment and intimidation by Israeli forces on their way to kindergarten. Listen to this audio recording of a discussion between an international volunteer and the soldiers about why the soldiers ‘have to’ scare the kindergarten children and see it as ‘their job’.

Israeli army raids Palestinian TV channel in West Bank

Friday 11th March: The Israeli army raided the Ramallah headquarters of Palestine Today TV in the occupied West Bank. Jihad Barakat, a reporter at the channel said that at least 50 Israeli soldiers stormed the station’s offices at dawn. “They confiscated broadcasting equipment and arrested two Palestinian journalists,” Barakat said. “The Israeli army detained the director of the TV channel in Palestine Faruk Rwiat and took him to an unknown location.” In a statement, the Israeli military said it was permanently closing the offices of Palestine Today. On Thursday, the Israeli government took a decision to close a number of Palestinian media outlets, according to a report by Israeli radio.

Palestinian family taken into custody; toddler held for hours outside - Israel News

Life under Israeli occupation: Armed and masked Israeli forces arrived at the family's home in the Issawiya neighbourhood of East Jerusalem at 2am, attacking the husband and older sons. The two-and-a-half-year-old toddler was pulled from his bed and thrown to the floor. The mother was pepper sprayed then knocked to the ground with the child underneath her. She was held like that - an officer's knee on her back - for around 20 minutes. The entire family, including a 15-year-old daughter, were then taken to a police station, barefoot, in their pajamas and handcuffed. The toddler, who had got pepper spray in his eyes, was crying. Read more:

Israel sentences Palestinian journalist to 11 months for

An Israeli military court has sentenced Ahmad Hamed al-Betawi, a 35-year-old journalist from Nablus to 11 months in prison, along with a 2,000 shekel ($510) fine. Betawi was first placed under house arrest for a period of three months in February 2014, during which he was allowed out of his home for only one hour every day. Another Palestinian journalist, Muhammad al-Qiq, recently ended a 94-day hunger strike he undertook to protest against his detention without charge or trial.

Palestinian mother put under house arrest as part of son

Israeli authorities have sentenced 16-year-old Melad Mousa Najeeb to house arrest - and ordered his mother to serve his sentence with him. As a result of her imprisonment in her home, Melad's mother has been unable to go to work or access necessary medical treatment. Israeli forces have put at least 300 Palestinian children under house arrest over the last three years, including 60 in 2015.

Is the BDS campaign in Israel having its South Africa moment?

The Independent have published an article by Palestine Solidarity Campaign about the Palestinian boycott victory which has resulted in G4S pulling out of Israel. 'G4S has finally announced that it will be selling its subsidiary, “in the next 12 to 24 months”. The news has been greeted with jubilation from campaigners who have led a sustained boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against the organisation over the last four years. Even the Foreign Office and the Business Department have issued guidance to UK businesses warning them not only of the legal and financial risks, but also the reputational risk of operating in Israel’s illegal settlements.'

Landmark boycott victory as G4S says it is leaving Israel

"G4S, one of the world’s biggest security and imprisonment firms, has announced it plans to end all its business with Israel within the next 12 to 24 months. "Palestinians are welcoming the news as a major victory and a sign of the powerful impact of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement... " ''G4S was one of the biggest targets of the BDS movement, and its decision to disinvest from Israel is a landmark victory in the ongoing struggle for Palestinian freedom and self-determination,' PSC interim director Sara Apps said."


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