Philippe Tahon
Therapist specialised in easing the relationship with food and body image. Mindful, intuitive and positive eating, because diets do not work! Therapist specialised in easing the relationship with food and body image. Mindful, intuitive and positive eating, because diets do not work!
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facebook.comHow bout you, which fad diet do you intend to start this January? One you just heard of in a magazine or through word of mouth? Most of you know that the chances for you to lose the extra weight that way are close to none. But still, you will give it a go and lose a bit more of that confidence. You will then be convinced you don’t have enough will and you’re too greedy. The basic principles of good diets are very simple: eat less, move more, eat more of fruits and vegetables, drink less alcohol or drinks containing sugar. But we all know this, right? So how bout 2018 being the year when your learn how to eat mindfully, intuitively and positively? Let your new year resolution be that you will take back control of your eating habits and lose that extra weight for good!
Tips don't work unless you get to the root of your food issue.
Gwyneth Paltrow... The kind of information these people give is responsable for the surge in eating disorders. As a therapist specialised in food issues I see daily clients who feel completely lost with what they should or shouldn't eat. Please don't give credit to these charlatans!