Kingsbury High School Alumni & Old Scholars
Mathematics and Computing College
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Visitors may have noticed the two large murals that hung over the staircase by Tylers Hall at Kingsbury High School for upwards of fifty years. Now darkened with age, these were painted by students in their art class under the direction of long-serving art master Norman Maurice Kadish (1916-1988) and returned to the family to enjoy.
My name is Tia (Chandni) Jounija, I studied at Kingsbury High almost 10 years ago now and since then have setup a charity called Wishful Smiles with a few other Kingsburians. We will be hosting an event at the London Designer Outlet in Wembley this Sunday 17th December between 4.30-7pm to help raise gift donations for children less fortunate than us this Christmas who may otherwise not receive one. We want to make this Christmas extra special for every child. We are looking for volunteers to help us out on the day by singing Christmas carols, reading short stories and jokes whilst we appeal for gift donations (actual presents, not money) from the public. If anyone from KHS would like to take part please ask them to email me: or whatsapp me on: 07477599593 Many thanks for your help, Tia Jounija
Visit our website to read our December Newsletter:
This Thursday our talented music students are hosting our Winter Concert. We would love to welcome everyone to this event.
We would like to invite to all to join us at our Winter Fayre this Saturday!
Thank you to all our former students that came to our Alumni Day 2017. See full article can be read on our website
To celebrate the school's 50th anniversary as a state comprehensive school, please make this the biggest and best Alumni Day yet by returning to inspire the next generation of Sixth Form students. As always there are two sessions in K Hall (timings approximate: 10.30am-12pm; 1.30-3.00pm) across which you will see the entire year group and we now focus on ensuring that sessions break out for informal conversations so that students can approach you on a one-to-one or small group basis. The line-up also includes introductions, some very exciting scheduled presentations from former students, refreshments, and superb live performances. Last year we had 45 former students and we know that the students gained enormously (some managed to secure work placements based on the contacts made on that day), whilst also seeing plenty of networking going on among former students; let's push this year for 50+ former students from as wide a range of subject courses and careers as possible. It would be great to see you there this year. You do not have to prepare anything (unless you would like to); just be yourself and share your stories, experiences and wisdom. Please feel free to invite other former students in your friendship groups and apologies if I have made any mistakes in my invitations, whether inadvertently missing people off my list, or targeting you when you clearly can't make it because of your work, location, circumstances, etc.
A little video to remember our '50 up' celebrations in April.