South London College(Tooley Street SE1)
College during 1980's College of Natural Sciences,Science Principles,Science Skills & Procedures,Industral,Social & environmental Studies,Food Technology & Dental Technology.
Main Building: Knights Hill,London,SE27 OTX
Tel:01-670 4488
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"Happy Easter" to all the Ex-Students/Alumni of South London College...............
Chemistry Lab 1937........
Wishing all the Ex Students/Alumni of South London College "A Happy New Year"......
South London College previously known as St.Olave's Grammar School For Boys(Dining Hall/Great Hall in 1962).
A big "Thank You" to all of the staff at The Lalit for showing me around the hotel that was once South London College that I attended & also allowing me to take photos for the album "Now The Lalit"........
South London College
Now "The Lalit"
Photos from South London College(Tooley Street SE1)'s post
"The Antigallican Pub" on 155 Tooley Street(1983) approaching South London College & the same site in 2011.Apparently Oliver Read went in there on one of his pub crawls during the mid 1960's(Source:Derelict London by Paul Talling)
Timeline Photos
South London College 1987..............
Photos from South London College(Tooley Street SE1)'s post
Then & Now..... Tooley Street 1975 & 2014