Pettigrew's of Lochmaben
fishing tackle, bait, pet food, garden tools etc
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facebook.comI am pleased to say that the Post Office counter in the shop is extending its hours. From 10th October the hours will be: Monday---2-00pm - 4-00pm, Wednesday----10-00am - 4-00pm and Friday 10-00am - 4-00pm Thank you to all who have supported it.
I have some fantastic bargains in at the moment on dog food. check these out. Field and trial muesli, R.R.P. £18-99, I have some now going for £14. Field and trial worker R.R.P.£19-19 now also just£14. Wagg Worker 17kg bags R.R.P. £13-59 I am selling some at £9-50. Many more similar bargains but be quick as they will go fast.