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Navy Seal Philosophy & Training

72 Keithleigh Gardens, Aberdeen, United Kingdom



Utilising the philosophy and training of the Navy Seals to achieve the extraordinary.


Starting on April 2nd I am beginning another 8 Week to SealFit Challenge. Along with this each week I will be focusing on one of the Principles of Way of The Seal book. If you would like to join me I will also introduce you to my Play Two Win Coaching programme along the way to fully integrate what you are learning into your lives. Why wait? Why not become UNSTOPPABLE, NOW!!! (Like my page below to keep up to speed on developments)

20X Your Life with Navy Seal Mindset & Play Two Win Coaching Utilising the mindset of the elite warriors of the Navy Seals with the cutting edge coaching of the Play Two Win Coaching programme will transform you into a person for whom success, in all areas of your life, is as natural as breathing. This programme provides a set of tools and techniques that have been proven to develop a strong sense of purpose, a high level of mental toughness, and the ability to be more productive. A combination of practical steps and insights it is a clear, actionable blueprint for personal success that contains the tactics and strategies to help you achieve your goals and become the person you want to be. You will learn to simplify and clarify your life, so you can drive forward with a strong sense of purpose, focus and values that you live, not just think about. So are you ready to Build Your Stand, Define Your Values, Discover Your Passion, Uncover Your Purpose and Envision Your Future Me? Let’s talk – Ask me questions, outline your programme and work together to create that “Future Me” for you! (Direct Message or Email

Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

It's not where you are, It's where you want to be!

Unbeatable Mind – Defining Your Three P’s & Your One Thing Your Passion: What are you passionate about in a way that defines who you are? What makes you feel as if your hair is on fire? What unique skills or talents do you have that you love to use and that make you feel different? If you won the lottery today, what would you do differently? Your Principles: What is it you truly value in your life? How can you move forward those things you truly value and away from the things you don’t value as much? What do these values point to an overarching purpose in life? Can you make a habit of the big, positive values so they become part of your character and then your destiny? Your One Thing and Purpose? What have you been conditioned to think you are supposed to do with your life? What do you think you are really supposed to do with your life? What do you feel you are really supposed to do with your life? Is there a tiny voice of doubt deep within you suggesting you are on the wrong track? Is that same voice nudging you forward with the sensation that you are on the right track? What One Thing do you think you are here for? What One Thing would you focus on if you had nothing holding you back? What would you do differently if you knew you had on year to live?

GET COACHING - GET RESULTS Coaching leads to success in Life / Fitness/ Business. Win YOUR big game in life with NAVY SEAL MINDSET & PLAY TWO WIN COACHING. 10X YOUR LIFE NOW!

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. What are you going to begin today?

Unless we stand for something, we shall fight for anything.

My Life Purpose for the next 12 months is to become the person I need to be to create the success, freedom and quality of life that I truly want by selflessly adding value to the lives of others.

Welcome and thank you to all who have "Liked" this page over the last few weeks. I appreciate your support. Please share your interest in the Navy Seals and what you would like to learn here. Coaching is also available on Winning and achieveing goals with a Navy Seal Mindset. Let me know how I can serve you! HOOYAH!!


NEAR Navy Seal Philosophy & Training