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Childcare Business Support and Training

Wellfield House, Llandrindod Wells, United Kingdom
Child Care Service



We provide business support to all childcare settings in Powys. Rydym yn darparu cefnogaeth busnes i bob lleoliad gofal plant ar draws Powys i gyd. Who are we and how can we support you?

We are The Childcare Business Support Team and Powys County Council Children and Young People's Partnership has given us the contract to provide business support to childcare organisations across Powys.

We will work with setting-based childcare providers to mentor and advise and help carry out a business health check using the nationally recognised PQASSO quality system as a basis. All groups will be able to undertake the PQASSO quality award if they so wish in addition to the support we provide.

We will provide a minimum of two visits to your setting per year - one to meet the staff and another to meet the committee and support with managing staff, governance, budgets, marketing and policies and procedures to name a few.

In addition, we will provide three training days across Powys and are starting to plan these already - please don't hesitate to contact us if there is a specific topic you would like us to cover, and we will see if we can include this.

We are able to help you if you are a:-
•Childminder or prospective childminder
•Out of School Club
•Cylch Meithrin
•Parent and Toddler Group / Ti a Fi Group



The Nature corner during my visit this morning. Lots of natural resources. Ready for the children to use.

Job Opportunity - Presteigne Little People's Playgroup

Job Opportunity - Action for Children

Job Opportunity - Kerry Playgroup

This really puts things simply - why not print out and put on the wall of your setting?

Is this a good thing? Tell us what you think?

QCF Diploma in Childcare,Learning and Development (CCLD) Level 3, CCLD (Management) Level 5 and Level 3 Diploma in Playwork Just to let you know that we have FREE funding to take on new learners (who work over 16 hours a week) through ITEC Skills (funded by the Welsh Government and the European Social Fund) until the end of December. If you, or anyone you know in a childcare setting or school that would be interested in this or finding out more then please contact us on 01597 828050 ext 1242 or e-mail or

It would not be a Sunday morning without an article from us to make you think - this is from the USA, but explains the benefits of outdoor play so well -

Okay - we are a little early, but absolutely loving these ideas for your doors - send us a pic of your door please if you try this

What do you think? Are you thinking of doing the same in your setting? Let us know.


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