Happy Tots All Stars
Dance, Music and Drama Classes for your ‘Little Diva's’
Does your child love to sing and dance to anything Disney?
Send them to Happy Tots All Stars. Does your child love to sing and dance to anything Disney related or Musical Theatre?
Then send them to Happy Tots All Stars where we will nurture their 'inner Drama Queen or King.' Classes consist of singing, dancing, acting and lots of fun. We aim to help boost their confidence in a fun way and provide an outlet for their vivid imaginations.
Featuring - Rea Campbell (joint choreographer from Lisnagarvey Youth Society and the staff of Happy Tots Playgroup.
Classes commence on Wednesday 5th October
1.45pm - 2.30pm - 3 & 4 year olds
2.30pm - 3.30pm - 5 & 6 year olds
Register now to secure your place.
Happy Tots All Stars. Making the stars of the future.
Tell your friends
facebook.com*Reminder* ‘All Stars’ Term 3 starts in the morning. See you all there. Looking forward to welcoming some new children. #themorethemerrier
Due to the popularity of our ‘All Stars’ classes, we’ve been booked for our 1st party. 😁 If you are planning a birthday party or an event where children will need entertained, why not give us a call. 🌟 Children will be taught uniquely choreographed, age appropriate dance routines from their favourite Disney movies (with the use of lots of props for extra fun), play games, sing songs, receive vocal coaching and have a mini Karoke etc. We can even tailor the package to the birthday girl or boys desires. Out staff are trained in Musical Theatre and Performing Arts, are fully vetted and are greatly popular with children, young and old. Why not get in touch to discuss options and costs etc.
Happy Tots All Stars Term 3 commences on Saturday 14th April 2018. 🌟 🌟 St. Columbas (Derryvolgie), 211 Belsize Road, Lisburn. 3-5 year olds - 9.30am-10.15am 6-11 year olds 10.30am - 11.30am If you haven’t already registered, please get in contact. PM our Facebook Page or send an email. This term we will be focusing on dance, music and drama from - The Greatest Showman The Sound Of Music Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat Kidz Bop The Mickey Mouse Club House & Disney Favourites. It’s a real mixture of modern day and an introduction to some classics. The kids will love it 😍 Please ‘like and share’ to help spread the word 👍
Check out our fabulous Rea teaching the kids at Laurelhill his choreographed routine from ‘The Greatest Showman’ #talent #fabulous #nextterm https://www.facebook.com/rea.campbell/posts/10160127147155183
Wow. What a morning 😊 Congratulations to all of our ‘All Stars’ ⭐️ ⭐️ They put on a superb show, featuring drama and music from ‘The Wizard of Oz’, ‘Wicked’, Calamity Jane, SING and High School Musical. Term 3 will commence on Saturday 14th April, when we will be visiting ‘The Greatest Showman’ and other popular Disney classics. All drama queens and kings welcome. 😆
All Stars reminder. All children to attend from 9.30am - 11.30am tomorrow (Saturday 17th March) for show rehearsal. 👍😜☘️
Happy Tots Playgroup Open Day. Thursday 19th April, 2018. 12.30pm - 2.30pm. Please like and share to help spread the word.
Just a gentle reminder that there will be no ‘All Stars’ this week, but why not go along to the ‘Big Breakfast & Craft Fair’ being held in the church instead. Sat 17th March - All children to attend from 9.30am - 11.30am for full rehearsal (they can bring a snack if they wish, but I’ll have some fruit and drinks etc for them) Sat 24th March - All children to attend at 9.30am for rehearsal. Show starts at 11am (approx 45mins) Doors will open at 10.45am and there will be a £2 entry fee to be paid at the door (children are free) Enjoy your Saturday lie in 😉
All Stars is open for business. Please park at the side of the road and walk down the gritted path. Main roads are fine, but if your side road or drive way is too dangerous, just stay at home and we will see you on the 17th March.
We aim to be open for ‘All Stars’ tomorrow morning. This may be subject to change depending on the weather overnight. Please keep an eye on Facebook for updates. Some of the costumes have arrived and we are in need of more rehearsal time before the ‘big show’ on the 24th. Hope you can make it down, but if too dangerous to drive from your home, we will see you on the 17th (9.30am - 11.30am dress rehearsal for all children) *No class on the 10th March due to Mother’s Day ‘Big Breakfast’ being held in the church hall.
Rehearsals with our juniors to #One Short Day# from ‘Wicked The Musical’ are coming along nicely 👍
Hi folks. There’s a bit of black ice on the hill driving down to the Hall this morning. Please be careful or park at top and walk down the gritted path at the side 👍