Seven Stars Primary School
This is Seven Stars Primary Schools Facebook page. Where children come first.
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facebook.comOur netballers did well on Tuesday in their first competition of the season. They won two of their matches and lost three (but only just). They were playing for the first time as a team and were fantastic. Lots of potential and with further practice will be unbeatable!
Please come along to our Easter Bingo on Tuesday 20th March after school in the hall. It always good fun and there are lots of eggs and chocolate to win this year. There will also be the usual colouring competition for the children. Mr Mitchell will be putting on his bingo wig to do the calling and there will be some tasty hot meals on offer too (chilli, jackets etc.)
This weeks VIP Award winners! Well done everyone you've been seen upholding one of our 9 school values in school. Well done! Moons (N ) Kylan Gibbons Rockets (R) Jacob Armstrong Dorado (Y1) Ruby Lees Orion (Y2) Matilda LLoyd Hercules (Y3) Alfie Rice Pegasus (Y4) Ese Agbonifo Leo (Y5) Hope Webster Phoenix (Y6) Theodora Mjojo
This weeks WOW Award winners. Well done everyone you've been spotted doing something that made someone say WOW. Keep up the great work. Moons (N ) Harvey Brundrett Rockets (R) Mia Ward Dorado (Y1) Kyle Orion (Y2) Laycie Shaw Hercules (Y3) Kallie Jones Pegasus (Y4) Summer-Bliss Handley Leo (Y5) Charlie Phoenix (Y6) Adam Stewart
This weeks Star Of The Week Award winners! Well done everyone you have put exceptional effort into maths this week. Moons (N ) Jensen Thompson Rockets (R) Carlton McCarron Dorado (Y1) Ethan Short Orion (Y2) Ruby Phoenix Hercules (Y3) Igor Francis Pegasus (Y4) Patrick Ward Leo (Y5) Abbi-Leigh Thompson Phoenix (Y6) Lacey Power
This weeks newsletter-
SATs club is cancelled also today.
Parents and tots group is cancelled due to staff shortages today.
School is open but wrap up warm and be careful on the playground. Parents keep your phones on in case we have to close. Thank you ⛄️
Road safety training is taking place with our Reception class tomorrow afternoon. If any of the pre-arranged volunteers are unavailable to help, please let school know ASAP.
We have a winner! Dawn in the kitchen held a raffle for everyone that had a special dinner yesterday. Mr Mitchell gave the prize in assembly.
This weeks newsletter-