Colston & Kirkintilloch Tuesday SlimmingWorld
We meet every Monday5.30 & 7.30pm at Colston Wellpark Church andTuesday at 5.30 & 7.30pm in the HUSC Newdyke Road Kirkintilloch.
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Photos from Colston & Kirkintilloch Tuesday SlimmingWorld's post
Out Today !!! Come along & join us x
Photos from Colston & Kirkintilloch Tuesday SlimmingWorld's post
Lovely day to make a new start!! Come along & join us and say goodbye to those unwanted lbs. Every Monday Colston Wellpark Church, Colston. 3.30, 5.30 & 7.30pm. All welcome
Opportunity Event
Do you love Slimming World & looking for a new career opportunity. We are holding an informal information morning to share the fantastic roles and amazing earning potential that can be achieved. We have opportunites available with flexible part-time working in the Maryhill, Springburn & Summerston Area. Interested then call 07722210552.
Timeline Photos
Photos from Colston & Kirkintilloch Tuesday SlimmingWorld's post
Wanting to lose a few pounds before summer? Or just wanting to change your life & weight. Then wait no more get your copy od Bella magazine out today & come along and join us. Get summer ready !!!
Timeline Photos
Looking for something new & love Slimming World??? Come along to our informal information days to hear more about the flexible working opportinities we have. If you would like to come along just give me a call, text or message. Siobhan
Photos from Colston & Kirkintilloch Tuesday SlimmingWorld's post
Out tomorrow Get your copy then come along & join us x
Slimming World
Timeline Photos
Photos from Colston & Kirkintilloch Tuesday SlimmingWorld's post
Last day today. Don't miss out