Стоматолог - Др Ивайло Райчев И Др. Надя Райчева
Др. Ивайло Райчев е стоматолог хирург, ортопед и имплантолог. Др. Надя Райчева е стоматолог терапевт, ортопед-дентурист и ортодонт. 07473162937
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facebook.comNow when the Christmas feast is over, let's all have a happy and successful new 2018 🎆🎉🍻
Maths made simple.... I wish i knew this when I was in school!
Just for fun. Who recognise this equipment? The first 100 correct answers will be entered in our Christmas price draw. Good luck to all!
Coka Cola - its good for a lot of things.... but not your teeth! Кока кола е много полезна за доста нешта.... ама не и за зъбите!
Communication is the key.! Have a lovely weekend 😁
Good morning to all
Поздравления на Мариела К за успешното взимане на последния и изпит и дипломиране! 🌟
We all could save our children teeth. Parents don't wait to go to the dentist until is too late. Their health is a priority. Visit your dentist soon!