Tilney Sports Footgolf Club
Official page of Tilney Footgolf Club, playing the sport for leisure and in competitions, always having fun doing so. New members always welcome.
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Beautiful start to a day of footgolf #footgolf #sun #TilneyFGC #football #soccer #golf
UK FootGolf Club League
The tee off times for the team in the Club League Finals
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Today most of the team take on the Cromer to Wells beach beer walk. 22 miles each carrying 22 beers/ciders, one to be drunk every mile. Who will make it to the end??? #walk #beerwalk #cromer #wells #Norfolk #sea #beer #cider #TilneyFGC #walk #stagger
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Team Captain Mario keeping the players in check 🤣 #Footgolf #TilneyFGC #KingsLynn #Norfolk #football #soccer #golf #players #club #league #FootgolfNotGolf #NoToArgyle #fun #team #like #follow
Today it’s the first club game of the season, a great day to play Footgolf and have fun. There’s still time to join the club, enquire at the course.
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A trip to Richings Park for Norfolk’s number 1 Footgolfer and club captain Mario. #footgolf #play #footgolfer #TilneyFGC #ClubLeague #KingsLynn #Norfolk #richingspark #putt #football #soccer #golf #FIFG #UKFG
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Jigga celebrating his putt as the team took a trip to Richings Park. #footgolf #Jigga #TilneyFGC #tour #trip #football #soccer #golf #FootgolfNotGolf #notoargyle #TheGerkz #RichingsPark
Photos from Tilney Sports Footgolf Club's post
Luckily there’s a way to get the ball from the ditch, best to avoid it altogether though. #footgolf #play #Norfolk #number1 #Mario #ditch #TilneyFGC #footgolfclub #join #team #UKFG #FIFG #footgolfer #like #follow
You’ve seen him play into the ditch but how did Steve get it out....out??? #footgolf #tilneyfgc #shot #putt #footgolffail #fail #kick #football #soccer #ditch #fifg #ukfg #clubleague #player #oops #shot @daffy1975 @footgolffinder @footgolffamily @footgolftv
Have a game of #Footgolf this weekend and be sure to make the right decisions like @daffy1975 did. #RollUp #GoOver #Hit #teeoff #drive #golf #football #soccer #footballgolf #TilneyFGC #footgolfer #footgolffinder #team #squad #Norfolk #club #clubleague #FIFG
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Beautiful morning for #Footgolf and the team are out on the course. @footgolffinder #tilneyfgc #FIFG #team #play
Tilney Sports Footgolf Club's cover photo