Performance Gym Kilwinning
A Gym for people who take their training seriously and want to develop themselves alongside other people on a mission to develop their physique
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facebook.comMAG bars are here. Continuing to improve and invest #maximumadvantagegrip #performancegymscotland #gymlife
You won’t find a better gym around here.. -As a member of Performance Gym we will give you the support you need. -We will provide you with a personalised training & diet plan & 1 to 1 training assistance to kickstart your fitness journey. 💥All of this is included in your membership at just £28 a month! 💥 Contact us now to secure a membership.
just polishing things off for this years PCA Scotland show in the usual venue in motherwell. tickets are available online but also for sale in the gym There is one class left (maybe two..just finalising numbers) requiring sponsorship from anyone with a business who would like some good advertising, some free tickets and a bit of or someone on your behalf will hand out a cheque on the stage to the winner of the class for £200
Bank holiday Monday. Right in about it. #performancegymscotland #kilwinning #gymmotivation #gymlifestyle #powerfabs
Happy Easter 😁 Everyone still graftin today at PG. Good vibes 🤪
❗️Easter Weekend❗️ Happy Easter Everyone -FREE training session @ PG Saturday 31st March & Sunday 1st April! *For anyone with a KA postcode.. please bring proof of address!* 💥One off deal! Dont miss out!💥
Happy 3rd Birthday to PG... Treating our members to a cheeky Powerfabs Savage Leg Extension 😏 #startedfromthebottomnowwehere
PG girls on Powerfabs tour to Mansfield. Big thanks to Carl & Teresa for having us! Had a great time! 😁 Tried and tested some amazing equipment. Watch this space... 💪#powerfabsHQ #gymequipment @ Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
The difference between other gyms around and Performance Gym is you get to train around people motivated and enthusiastic about their goals 8am Saturday morning and the place has a great wee buzz happening Join up today to secure your space in Ayrshire’s best gym.
What’s the best supplements to take during training? There are so many options nowadays it can get a bit overwhelming as the market is saturated with companies touting the best pre/intra/post workout formulas and potions devised by god himself lol In amongst the fog of it all is the often forgotten principles of keeping things simple and inexpensive too,so I thought I would put a brief outline which may help some of you. Pre workout Everyone has their own opinion on what’s the best and what they are looking for,from being so full of stims that they are overtaking you on foot as you drive home from the gym,others looking for the maximum vaso dilating effect looking to get pumped up like a helium balloon and others looking to have more focus using pre workouts with nootropic type ingredients. Obviously they all cost varying amounts of money,if working on a super tight budget then simply having a strong coffee with a few grams of creatine in is also very effective,also arguably more important than any supplement here is simple hydration,try drinking a litre of water close to your workout and this alone can and will have a positive effect on your workout and pump achieved. Intra workout Again many options out there,budget permitting you can go down the pepto pro with some cycline dextrin added in at the higher end of the cost scale,or again if on a budget simply use a couple of scoops of EAA and some maltodextrin and not forgetting again plenty of hydration. Post workout Generally speaking this is your ideal time of the day for a big carb spike and contrary to what many believe simple sugars are perfect here,so break out the coco pops,rice crispie bars,jelly babies etc etc,they are your best friends here. Insert some sort of protein source along with this ie a whey isolate or concentrate (budget dictating) or even simple solid food. Hope the above is helpful to some,it’s by no means set in stone just a few helpful pointers,also everything mentioned above is available to buy or be ordered in at PG (shameless plug lol)
Not a member of PG? 🤯 You can pay £5 for a session anytime! If you like it and want to join up we will take the £5 off your first months fee 👌
No filter needed for Ian Mitchell @ianmitchelll (First Timer) in prep for the #BNBF Scotland but accelerated it for a run out in the early untested shows too cos he is more than capable of holding his own with outstanding shape and very sharp conditioning. Rab #performancegymscotland #ibfahighlandsandislands #pca #bnbfscottish #bodybuilding #gymmotivation
L e g D a y #legs #legday #leggoals #legworkout #legpress #vsquat #legcurl #legextension #hyperextension #gluteworkout #glutes #workout #workinprogress #workoutmotivation #fitter #leaner #stronger #fitnesslifestyle #fitness #instafit #instagym #4weekchallenge #4weeks #letsdoit #letsdothis #nike #nikeshoes #photosession #goals #target #focus #determination #igotthis

New water bottle #onlyhardcore

#Repost @peakperformancebpd with @get_repost ・・・ When you’re client @robertjmcauley sends you a cheeky check in at 4 weeks out and heading into single digit BF levels - you know you’re on course for the condition of his life. He’s struggling but he’s grinding. Time to push a little harder for a few weeks and really see what we can achieve. 😊💪🏼 • #peakperformance #coach #coaching #bodycoach #transformation #transformationcoach #mensphysique #pca #ibfa #scottish #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #prep #bodyfat #diet #nutrition #gym #training #eatclean #pushpullgrind #compprep #preplife #improvement #lean #abs #gymlife #aesthetic #aesthetics #physique

Little road trip to PG on a Sunday morning 🙋🏻 Having a look at myself in the mirror 🙈 Legs and shoulders still holding onto fat for dear life but happy with my improvements in my back, it's leaning out nicely 💪🏼 4 weeks for the rest of me to catch up. I need a food @amsmuscle 😂🍝 Might finally be realising shape > size for me🙈 #nabba #pca #athletic #figure #bodybuilding #bringit #bodybuilder #posing #gymlife #preplife #pcaarmy

It was absolutely brilliant working with the experienced @steinalison this morning to tweak some of her poses, routine and give those transitions some flare! Looking amazing ahead of this year’s shows 💪🏼💃🏼 #bodybuilding #posing #coach #nabba #pca #ibfa #trained #femalebodybuilder #doublebicep #chest #confidence

Ouuuurrrr wee @megan.g.89 so proud of you! Megan is one of our clients and is prepping for her first show @pca_official Scotland! Working together weekly on her posing and routine and it’s all coming together nicely 💃🏼 #shreds #bodybuilding #tonedfigure #pca #scotland #backdoublebicep #posing #coach

#DailyGrind #WorkHard #Motivate #Progress #Dedication #Persistence #Grind #FatLoss #MuscleGain #WorkingMum #MumsWhoLift #HustleForMuscle #NattyFatty #FatFam #GymWanker #GymLife #Bodybuilding #PerformanceGym #KilWINNING #PowerFabs #GymGoals #MyGymIsBetterThanYours #TheGymThatRabBuilt #HashtagWanker @performancegympg

#SlowlyMakingProgress #Delts #Biceps #Overcome #Injury #Progress #Strength #Shape #Shoulders #GymWanker #GymSelfie #PerformanceGym #KilWINNING #PowerFabs #BestKit #BestGym #MyGymIsBetterThanYours #SaltyBish #Moody #MakingGainsAndRaisingWeans #MumsWhoLift #StrongGirls #NattyFatty

#PerformanceGym #KilWINNING #Gym #GymWanker #GymGoals #TheGymThatRabBuilt #HouseOfPain #Kettlebell #HIIT #Snatch #CleanAndPress #KettlebellSwings #UprightRows #Windmills #GobletSquats #FatLoss #NattyFatty #TrustTheProcess

No caption needed

It’s safe to say that today was maximum effort 😊 I surprised myself with how well benching went after training events, it’s not ideal to do both same day but you gotta do what you gotta do 😏 70kg x8 (2 board) 80kg x3 (3 board) Dropset starting with 70kg x4 🤮 Never mind the muscles, I think my throat will be sore from all the roars 🐯 it’s always and awesome session with @bluehairandmuscles and thanks to all who helped spot us! #BenchDay #powerlifting #Girlswhostrongman #pinupwithpecs #strongwoman #nobsmethod #cerberusstrength #allornothing #stayhungry #teamhell #trainugly #performancegym #scotland #strong #powerful #mindsetiseverything ⚡️🌈☄️ @theosteopathsglasgow @ayrshire_supps

Posing prick after a back and bis Sunday session. #teamPG #girlswithtattoos #girlswithmuscles #girlswhodeadlift #girlswhosquat #girlswhosquat #girlswholift #shedeadlifts #shoulders #shesquats #athleticfigure #athletic #shoulders #shoulderprogress #pinupwithpecs #gainz #bluehair #girlswithpecs #pecs #teamhell #obs #outcastbarbellsanctuary

#PerformanceGym #KilWINNING #PowerFabs #BestGym #BestKit #BestOfBritish #GymGoals #Sunday #MyChurch #MyReligion #MyTherapy #Goals #Dedication #Persistence #TrustTheProcess #ItTakesTime #Gains #YourJourney #Bodybuilding #Gym #GymWanker #GymLife #MyGymIsBetterThanYours #OwnerIsShadyBut #GoodCunt @performancegympg

@ttimage 1 year ago we captured one of my favourite all time shots!! 📸📸 THE BATTLE ROPES #battleropes #gym #fitness #fitnessmodel #photography #fitspo #fitnessmotivation #competitor #gymlife #chickswholift #womensfitness #exercise #health #slsfitness

Transformation for @_nicboyd 😁 #transformation #hardwork #consistency #dedication #determination #weighttraining #weightloss #weights #trainhard #traininsane #workhard #transform #throwback #fit #fitchick #fitness #power #strength #girlswithmuscle #muscle #competitor #gymdoll #gymgirl #bikini #cardio #macros #coach #pt #gymlife
