Cranberry Moss Community Centre and Cafe
This is the official page for Cranberry Moss Community Centre and Community Cafe. Check here for group updates and cafe specials.
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facebook.comAnother fantastic market set up for Saturday 5th may, come along for a browse and support our tots 😊
Looking for something different to do this weekend? Come along for some great party games and meet new friends, all in the comfort of your pjs 😊 Contact us through fb to grab your ticket before they go 🏃♀️
***CAFE NEWS*** The Cafe will be closed Fri and Mon for the Easter weekend and will be open 10-2 Tuesday to Friday before having a week off. Last orders at 1.30pm each day and will be serving a limited menu. Hope you all have a great weekend. Happy Easter from the Cranberry Cafe
Kilwinning early years is having a weaning taster session run by nhs, this will be in the centre between 1pm -2pm. All are welcome even if baby is still cooking 😊 Contact Moira 07920088230 to book your place
Our AGM will take place tomorrow evening @ 6pm, everyone is welcome and we're always looking for new ideas and member's
Blood bank is on tonight if anyone fancies donating
Looking for something to do, here till 2pm. Lots of stalls and some lovely things for mothers day