Fraser n Son
Based in Kelty, Fife, we are able to offer you the very best in car valeting. Our family-run business has more than 10 years of experience. Fraser n Son - Based in Kelty, Fife, we are able to offer you the very best in car valeting. Our family-run business has more than 10 years of experience, and we're proud of the work that we've done over the last decade. While lots of work comes with cars from the public, we also take on a range of commercial and agricultural work, so there really is something for everyone when you choose Fraser n Son. Contact us today for an outstanding service
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facebook.comWouldn’t it be great to remember things.
Having a wee bit fun. Nice remap for the car.
Cant wait for my car to be running sweet.
Designing my new logo. Watch this space for merchandise.
Machine working away in the new premises. Print it stitch it.
Frasernson is visiting print it stitch it open day.
This snow is killing me. Fed up shovelling it.
Think about before you try. If you get stuck or have an accident, you are putting not only yourself at risk, you are putting others lives at risk.
Driving conditions are a nightmare, please take care if you are already out. Don't risk it, if you don't need to drive don't.
This looks a great piece of kit.
Here are some photos of the full Valet we had today. Start to finish.
Nice day for a full valet today. Sun is out tunes are on.