UCS School of Arts and Humanities
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facebook.comInvitation to tonights opening of 'Reflection' in the Waterfront Gallery
Join us for a pre Christmas drink and see our current exhibition 'Reflection'
Wow just received this from Aviva Congratulations – you’re a finalist! You did it! Your project won enough votes to make it through to the Finals. With over 5 million votes cast, that’s no mean feat, so you can give yourself a massive pat on the back. Massive thank you to everyone who voted and shared we couldn't have done this without you.
Timeline Photos
Massive thank you to everyone who voted for Ipswich Arts Centre you were brilliant in spread the word. You did us proud we finished on 19365 votes. Fingers crossed we're in the final Please like Ipswich Arts Centres FB page to keep up to date on our progress Thanks again
A Place for Inspiration, Innovation and Education - vote for us now in the Aviva Community Fund
45 mins to go anyone out there who hasn't voted please do so now https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/voting/project/view/16-2010
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We're closing in on 20,000 votes! If you love music and the arts, please share and tag your friends. https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/voti…/project/…/16-2010 Go Crazy Folks!
Timeline Photos
Come on students it only take 90 secs to vote We need you to vote now https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/voting/project/view/16-2010
Timeline Photos
Please Please vote now its the final countdown we need you to vote now https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/voting/project/view/16-2010
A Place for Inspiration, Innovation and Education - vote for us now in the Aviva Community Fund
Vital to vote now only 2 days to go https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/voting/project/view/16-2010
Your votes are needed for Ipswich Arts Centre
Come on Ipswich we need you http://www.ipswichstar.co.uk/what-s-on/your_votes_are_needed_for_ipswich_arts_centre_1_4775227
A Place for Inspiration, Innovation and Education - vote for us now in the Aviva Community Fund
Huge thanks to anyone who has voted for Ipswich Arts Centre, as we need as many votes as possible to secure community funding, sponsored by Aviva. We have 14,200 votes so far which puts us in a good position however there's one project which is ahead of us at 20,000 so pleaaaasseee vote! Takes 2 minutes just to confirm your email and submit 10 votes. Voting closes on Thursday so please spread the word desperately!! If we don't beat them, then unfortunately we won't secure any money and will have to find another way of funding. Please vote and share More details on the link Thank you https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/voting/project/view/16-2010#plus
Photos from University of Suffolk Arts and Humanities's post
Wishing on the #supermoon2016 for an arts centre Please please vote we have to get another 7000 votes to try and win https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/voting/project/view/16-2010#plus
Photos from University of Suffolk Arts and Humanities's post
Come on Suffolk we need you The race is on I've just found a project in Bristol that has 16,000 votes . Please vote and share this link. Now we know the competition we have 6 days to beat them . Don't forget everyone gets 10 votes Please please please share we can do this with your help University of Suffolk Alumni BBC Suffolk https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/voting/project/view/16-2010

Main 😘 #photography #lectures

DON'T FORGET Private View for our Interim Show at @danceeast starting at 6pm! Come down in you're around, we really would like to share our work with you! #danceeast #ipswich #suffolk #waterfront #uos #universityofsuffolk #photodegree #photostudent

@charlottegardnerphoto has been to @lamdengallery this morning to collect her framed print all ready for the Interim Exhibition at @danceeast #mamiya #mamiyarz67 #rz67 #kodak #kodakportra #kodakportra400 #portrait #portraitphotography #framed #exhibition #mediumformat #mf #120film #analogphotography #analogue #filmphotography #film #filmisnotdead #universityofsuffolk #uos #ipswich #suffolk #eastanglia #photostudent #degreestudent #photodegree

Some of you might remember this view... #photographer #workspace #nofilter #university #fusionlab #prints #universityofsuffolk

@agilhoolyphotography test printing yesterday morning, in preparation for our Interim Show at @danceeast opening to the public 2nd December. If you're in the area feel free to pop in and have a look around! #ipswich #suffolk #eastanglia #universityofsuffolk #uos #interim #exhibition #photographer #photostudent #digitalphotography #landscape #landscapephotography #landscapeandmemory #memory #photoshop #print #testprinting

@charlottegardnerphoto test printing for the Interim Show at @danceeast opening to the public on Dec 2nd. #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #interim #exhibition #mamiyarz67 #rz67 #mamiya #mediumformat #mf #120film #kodak #kodakportra #kodakphoto #ipswich #suffolk #eastanglia #photographer #photostudent

@agilhoolyphotography working on her print for the Interim Show at @danceeast opening to the public 2nd Dec. #digitalphotography #editing #interim #exhibition #danceeast #ipswich #waterfront #suffolk #photography #landscape #memory #landscapephotography #photostudent #photoshop

Surface pics of sand cast lead from @MidlandLead for my next project #art #sculpture #abstractart #contemporaryart #midlandlead #ipswichartist



Polaroids💗 #love#photographs#girl#style#look#girl#look#makeup#life#moments#england#roses#hair#ombre#blonde#photo#studio#uni#work#model#for#one#day#leatherjacket#brown

MeToday👄 how's your day? #look#simple#jacket#girl#purple#wall#the#best#england#uk#ombre#blonde#style#fashion#look#details#gold#grey#england#blogger#youtuber#insta#daily#otd#makeup#darklips#longhair#inspiration
