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Edge Hair Design

32 Waterloo Place, Inverness, United Kingdom
Hair Salon



Edge Hair Design is a modern hair salon. Offering beauty treatments. We want clients to enjoy their time in salon & feel ultimate relaxation.
Check out our Instagram page:
@edgehairdesign_inverness A welcoming modern salon. Ready to cater for your hair wants & needs


Spent today giving our reception area a face lift. Creating a fresh spacious area for all clients to enjoy.#loveachangearound#fresh#clean#space#prideandjoy#proud#norestforthewicked#diysundayfunday#edgehairdesigninverness @ Edge Hair Design

Happy Birthday Charlotte Hudson Nail & Beauty Therapist hope you have a lovely day. From the Edge Crew 😘 xx

Having a wee play with my colours today @macinnessinead being my model. Trying to achieve a brown rose for a client. Achieved this lovely shade that suits Sinead.#daughtersthatdare#rose#brown#blondetobrown#fridayfunday#motherdaughterday#edgehairdesigninverness

Charlotte my fiery copper haired girl. I love the copper tones. I’d jump at the chance of being a natural copper colour. 😍 I used matrix 6C and 7C with a touch of orange intense. Loving the result.#matrix#socolour#6C#7C#copperhair#vibrancy#multitonal#noflatcoloursplease#longhair#greatcondition#edgehairdesigninverness

So getting a client from dark to a silver grey isn’t easy & definitely not a one step process. We lifted my clients hair from round about a level 5 to I’d say an 8. Then applied a level 7 (sm/vm) guy tang. This gave us a nice steel grey. Future progress will be to lighten to achieve more of a silver grey. Myself & my client like how the lighter level is softer and not as harsh as the previous colour. #somethingstaketime#lovelysoftresult#greymetalic#guytang#matrixlightmaster#humpdaychallenge#loveachallenge#lovemyjob

Coloured with Matrix Socolour 6C 8N & colour graphics cool finished with a stylish Asymmetric cut. Lovely blend of colours to lift my clients hair.#socolor#colourgraphics#cool#6C#8N#acymetricalcut#graduation#thickhair#lovecuttinghair#lovecolour#gettingcreative#edgehairdesigninverness

The melts we use in salon are fantastic. If you ever wonder where we get them The Melting Studio is the place to look. A range of different scents to choose from. Sweet, subtle, fresh or ones with a stronger smell. Give their page a like to keep up to date with new season scents. 😀

My lovely mum in getting a birthday treat. Nothing like pampering your mum. She’s the worst client, she doesn’t come as regularly as I’d like 🙈.#happybirthday#nota6weekclient#naughtymum#matrixsocolour#dreamage#7M#highlights#freshenrightup#lookingood#lovemymum#matrix#lovecuttinghair#lovecolouring#edgehairdesigninverness

Edge Hair Design is a unisex salon that offers a wide range of hair & beauty services. 🔸We offer free consultations on all services. 🔸Wedding packages available in & out of salon. For appointment availability call 01463719141 or message our page. Rhiannon at Edge Hair Design Rachel Williamson at Edge Hair Design Charlotte Hudson Nail & Beauty Therapist

Rhiannon has been with Edge Hair Design 1 year today!
