James Auterson pt
I am a personnel trainer and fitness enthusiast who works with clients of all fitness levels abilities and ages to help u achieve your goals
I have been a keen fitness fanatic since leaving school, and Joining the army at 16
I have experienced many different types of training and sports and athletics
I have competed In half marathons and track and field.
I specialize In athletic training and calisthenics body weight toning and conditioning.
I am committed to helping u achieve your health and fitness goals.
If u want to look great and feel amazing and more athletic then my personal training services are for u.
My personal training Is hard but rewarding and varied and also tailored to your individual needs.
I am a firm believer of training like an athlete.
1. athletic training requires multiple muscle
groups to work together not Just isolating working one muscle group.
2. your cardiovascular abilities c.v will dramatically Improve decreasing the risk of heart disease strokes diabetes etc
3. U will look like an athlete ripped but healthy at the same time.
4.your energy levels will Improve
5.you will develop power strength agility speed co ordination etc.
Fitness has been a major part of my life from an early age, I feel a great responsibility to give something back and help others to achieve there personal goals.
Since the age of 16 I have exercised and competed in sports And I have learned and gained knowledge over the years that I feel confident to pass on to others.
Fitness has changed my life for the better and I want fitness to change your life for the better also :-)
Tell your friends
facebook.comTell me I can't and watch me work 10xharder to prove you wrong #hardworkdesication #wearedreamers #wechaseourdreamsnotyours #ignorethenaysayers #stayposotive #remeberwhowasthereforeu #dontletthemwin #jamesautersonpt 💪💪🔥🔥
More pads today with mma fighter Craig 🥊💪🔥
40 min pad blasts only £15 🥊💪
Boot camp 1800 at the gym #train hard or go home 😉💪🥊
Well done brad 🥊💪
Monday morning motivation 💪🥊 never give up on your dreams and goals in life no matter how impossible or far away they may seem because the sense of achievement when u achieve and succeed is worth more than any payday keep pushing and ignore the naysayers #James auterson Pt 💪💪
Train like an athlete look like an athlete 💪#train smart #mobility #strength #power #strong women #beast mode 💪💯🔥
Ravensknowle boot camp today at 1800 #train hard or go home 💪🔥
Sundays colour rush for Kirkwood hospice well done team #train hard or go home 💪💪
Fun filled family and friends fitness fun this evening well done team 💯😊💪🔥
Loved training 2 old friends from school today working on endurance reactions speed co-ordination stability angles 3-4s second attack body sparing and agility footwork and Leanne putting most men to shame with her strength #strong women #mates #boxing #leftjabpromotions #ignorethenaysayers 💪💪🥊🔥