Quantum Fitness Cardiff
Personal Training.
Build Muscle, Gain Strength, Weight-Loss, Body Toning
•Group Training
•Body Transformation
•Online Programming
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facebook.com⭐️YEEEES⭐️ Strength session smashed this morning 💪🏻 • Deadlift @sharonmedlam - 80kg PB @medlamdave - 100kg PB (100 club 🏆) Julie - 30kg PB! When Julie started with us 4 weeks ago she was deadlifting a 16kg kettlebell off a bench! • Massive progress all round and super proud. We’ve done tons of positional, activation and general strength/muscle building work leading up to this strength test an the results have been awesome! • Well done guys amazing work 🥇 #QuantumFitness #TeamQuantum #Strength #gym #training #lifestyle #health #cardiff
Awesome morning session with this lot!! • Starting the day the right way 💪🏻 • So many benefits to training in a group environment. If you and your buddy or a group of friends/family are looking to get fit and healthy together, then get in touch TODAY! • #QuantumFitness #TeamQuantum #Grouptraining #Fitness #Health #ptcardiff
⭐️ Website is now live ⭐️ • • Check us out... www.quantumfitnesscardiff.co.uk • • Been working with Jonny @thecardiffgraphicdesigner to come up with Quantum Fitness branding and the new website. Super pleased with what Jonny has created and bringing our ideas to life. Anybody wanting a business website or going through a re brand etc. I’d highly recommended Jonny and the team! • • Thank you!!
💥BOOOM💥 Absolute sesh for @nathan.salmon10 tonight! Last few weeks the improvements in Nathan have been brilliant. Squats were moving so well tonight we decided to go for a new 1RM. Why not 🤷🏻♂️ • Back Squat - 110k on the bar. Up from 90kg! • Thrilled for Nathan and his reward for such a great effort.. • 4 rounds 5 burpee Tyre flips 1 sled pull 1 sled drag (back to start position) 😂😂 • We still have a few weeks to go on our program but not just Nathan’s strength, his overall fitness (no way 5 weeks ago would we be doing burpee tyre flips) and body composition have seriously improved! • Well done mate! #QuantumFitness #TeamQuantum #Strength #Fitness #Health #Lifestyle #Gym #Training #weightlifting #Crossfit
@ryanamos23 in PB mode today! Praising Ryan is extremely difficult 😂😂 However, after an 8 week strength block he’s really grafted and got his reward: • Bench press 129kg PB. Plenty in the tank too! • Great work pal!! Looking forward to the next block 💪🏻 #QuantumFitness #TeamQuantum #Bench #ForTheBeach #Bodybuilding #Fitness #Health #Lifestyle #PT #onlineprogram
Big couple of weeks for @gates_sports_massage testing his lifts! Really pleased with his results. • • 8 week strength program Back Squat 130kg up to 142kg Front Squat 120kg up to 130kg Bench Press 65kg up to 92kg • • Safe to say he’s also packed on a bit of muscle too 😉 Well done Gav big deadlift coming up in 8 weeks time 😉 #QuantumFitness #TeamQuantum #Strength #Program #Fitness #Health #Crossfit #Weightlifting #PT #Repost @gates_sports_massage with @get_repost ・・・ Well, sadly 180kg felt super heavy today but pulled 190kg last week. Missed the 200 dropping it just below the knees. No biggie though. All over strength has went up much more than expected following an all over strength building 8 week block by @drizz_driscoll1 @quantumfitnesscardiff old totals were backsquat 130kg, front squat 120kg. Deadlift 205kg. Bench press 65kg. After a lot of conditioning and smaller lifting movements to fix shoulder stability and work around a horror of a neck issue the new totals are Back squat 142kg (front 130kg) Deadlift 190kg Bench press 92kg Easy week this week then back on it again with the next 8 weeks concentrating a bit more on deadlift and pulls this time.
When you have a goal NOTHING gets in the way!! Even when you are in NYC! @discodrisco training hard for Cardiff Half Marathon in October. Great job and sweet Tee 👌🏻 #Repost @discodrisco with @get_repost ・・・ New york is currently being hit by a nor'easter.... but its run day... #whyisnooneelserunning @ Quantum Fitness Cardiff
@nathan.salmon10 Warming up like a boss ready to hit some deadlifts. • • Jefferson Curl. Perfect for warming up the lower back and mobilising the hamstrings. Defiantly worth while adding this into your warm up routine 🏋🏻♂️ • • #QuantumFitness #TeamQuantum #Deadlifting #Mobs #Warmup #Fitness #Strength #PT #Cardiff
Bootcamp number 2 smashed tonight!! Well done everybody top class effort 😁💪🏻 • • They all loved burpee Roxanne to finish 😂😂 • • Head over to our Instagram page @quantumfitnesscardiff to check out the full session. #QuantumFitness #TeamQuantum #Bootcamp #Fitness #Health #PT #Funtimes
@pennypearson in PB mode this afternoon 💪🏻😁 • Been working with Penny on some extra accessory gainz but specifically working on her strict press and strict pull ups @crossfitpenybont • 5k Increase on Press Pull-ups increased from 3 to 9 • Well done Pen - EPIC! #Repost @pennypearson with @get_repost ・・・ Great progress made from doing @drizz_driscoll1 strict strength program ,managed to get 5kg PB on my strict press and gone from 3 strict pull ups to 9 👌🏻looking forward to the next program set up @quantumfitnesscardiff #BuiltByDrizzie #PB #TryToGetStrong #Crossfit #TeamPYB
“I can’t do pull-ups” • Often with exercises such as pull-ups, stripping the movement right back to basics is key to progression 🔑 • Tonight with @betty_jayne82 we did just that by performing high reps of Jumping Pull-ups. The purpose - to build some confidence with the movement and start building some strength 😃 • Next few weeks we’ll progress this movement further by increasing the depth of the jump/changing grip placement/negative pull-ups/banded pull-ups🤸🏼♂️ • Stay tuned for the first body weight pull up 😁😁 #QuantumFitness #TeamQuantum #Strength #Pullups #Fitness #Health #PT #Cardiff