Dalton Slimming World
Monday 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30 pm & 7.30pm Dalton St.Pauls methodist church, Wakefield Road, Moldgreen.
Call Jo 07553747875 for more details There are more people overweight in the UK than ever before.... Join the UK's biggest and most successful slimming organisation and see how we really do change peoples lives.
Come along to one of my amazing friendly groups where you will find a warm welcome and oodles of support to help you achieve your weight loss dream.....There are no strangers at Slimming world - Just friends you have yet to meet! Call Jo on 07553747875
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facebook.comCall or text Jo on 07553747875... xx
T'was 4 weeks to Christmas and all round the town Ex Slimming World Members were starting to frown Oh why did I do it? Oh why did I lapse? I'll give Jo a call and maybe perhaps She'll welcome me back with arms open wide Help me lose half a stone so I don't have to hide Then up from the rooftops there came such a shout Of course you can come back - of that there's no doubt! Jo Kain was swinging from the chimney above To shower all members with much Christmas love! Shouting I can help! I can help! Just get back into Group Back to the Free Foods like the Stews n and Soup With Healthy Extras and Syns, how can you fail It really doesn't matter if you've slipped off the rail So I'll see you on Mon or Tues to get back in the swing We can party til Christmas and let the Bells ring! xx
I am now looking after Denby Dale Slimming World every Tuesday at 5.30pm & 7.30pm. Returning and new members always welcome. Call or text on 07553747875 for more details. Xx
Bob and Rob were feeling quite bad, Their weight had crept on and it made them both sad - They got on the scales and OH! What a shock! They sat down to think and really take stock. “Bob!” said Rob, “I must shift two stone!” “Rob!” said Bob “You’re not on your own!” So Bob became a Slimming World member - He needed some help to get through December. But to his surprise, Rob wasn’t too keen ... “It’s pointless” he said “You’ll see what I mean." “With Christmas looming, I’ve buffets and parties. My missus, she fills up my stocking with smarties!” “With shopping and work dos it won’t be too funny When going to Group wastes my time and my money!” “I’ll go with you Bob but I’m just not quite ready I’ll join in the New Year when things are more steady." For Bob, it was different, to him it was clear “I’ll get going now and not wait till New Year!” So off he went and in no time at all He’d learnt some good choices to help him get small. Parties, buffets and shopping were fine And he knew the best choices when off out to dine. He learnt how to get through the season in style And on Christmas Eve, had a big beaming smile. “Over one stone gone and I’m over the moon! I must tell my friend and I must do it soon!” His enthusiasm, well, it just knew no bounds, He felt so much better having shifted some pounds. Rob was pleased for his friend but wished he’d gone too. He’d added some inches, more than a few! “You joined in November that really was clever And now you are having the best Christmas ever!” So if you’re not happy and it’s a new you that you seek Consider the benefits of joining THIS week When you get to January, oh what a thrill! No mountain to climb – just a smaller molehill! JOIN DALTON SLIMMING WORLD - you wont regret it! Call our textJo for more information on 07553747875. Xx
3 syn dinner... blummin lovely. X
Hello.. to all my 860 followers... this is a personal plea. My friend is the founder of a group that help the homeless of Huddersfield. Its called the Huddersfield change project or HCP... one of the people they help has had their wheelchair stolen. This is a homeless man who cannot get around without it.... a couple of youths thought it would be funny to take it from him. Can you help me help this man??? Please get in touch if you can. Xxxxx
This is one members story! This could be you!! Why are you waiting until the new year? In December 2016 I sat and thought about how I let another year go by and how I was going to tell myself on the 1st of January that this year was going to be my year. I sat and wondered why I was waiting!!! On the 10th of December 2016 I walked into my group. My friends asked me why start before Christmas? I answered, why not? Instead of starting 2017 with a dream I went into it with a plan. I had already learnt the fabulous power of free food and picked up my stone award in January. After that boost of confidence in January there was no stopping me and I went on to achieve 5 and a half st award This really was my year, it was the year that changed my life, it gave me my life back and also gave my daughters the mum they deserved. I now have the amazing privilege of helping members feel the same. I would love the opportunity to support you too. Like I said .... why are you waiting 😀 You deserve to start your journey now to that slimmer more confident you. Join us: Dalton St Paul's every Monday 9.30am and 11.30am, 5.30pm and 7.30pm. Cal Jo on 07553747875 for more details. Xx
More of the fantastic meals made by myself and my members this last week or two. #slimwithjokain #slimmingworld Cal or text me on 07553747875 for more details. Xx
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155848842999483&substory_index=0&id=180102619482 Meet our fantastic woman of the year 2017. I think you'll agree she looks fantastic. Xx