Kirkheaton Conservative Club 'The Con'
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Well what can I say ...... Another successful turn night starring the fabulous Hayley Rose and family. All the usual suspects were there Nicola Goddard Stuart Goddard Dale Longley Caroline Longley Helen Lunn Gez Lunn Christine Tiplady Paul Goddard. It was nice to also see some new faces too .....I love my job
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Photos from Kirkheaton Conservative Club 'The Con''s post
So you worked hard all week ! You deserve a treat !! So why not treat yourself !! Tomorrow from 8 !
Photos from Kirkheaton Conservative Club 'The Con''s post
New Years Eve
What a result guys n gals.... I've just got off the phone to our agent and New years eve is gonna be a belter... appearing on the night will be the hilarious comedian Johnny Martell supported by the brilliant voice of Stacey Rhodes
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Busy night on the green ! Match day !!
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Well the bank holiday is over !! Not to worry ! We have something waiting just around the corner !! All welcome for a top fun night !!
Kirkheaton Conservative Club 'The Con'