113 Eastern NightClub
Is an eastern european NightClub based in west london " Hounslow "
* Every Saturday *
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113 NightClub A long weekend up ahead Bank Holiday Weekend !!!! Come join us at 113 NightClub and start your weekend right!!!! We are open until 4am Tonight! Doors open until 2am Ladies free entry until 12 Gents £5 until 1am Dress code : Dress to impress No hoddies, no trainers !!! See you tonight!!!!
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Another Great Weekend At 113NightClub! Don't forget we are open every saturday from 10.30 till verry late ;) Girls entry free until 12.00 Gents entry £5 until 01.00
Winnera for VIP table tommorow is @indre simunskaite The winner will be messages directly!!!! Congratulation Girls !!!!!!
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#113NightClub Alright, It's time for another competition!!! #113NightClub its giving you a CHANCE to WIN a V.I.P Table for up to 4 People. Including : FREE Entry for 4 people, Bottle Of Vodka Or JD ( Your choise ) All you have to do is follow the rules. Like Our Page ( If you havent yet ) * SHARE this picture * Like this Picture * Tag a friend you would bring Winners will be announced on 29/04 And messaged directly
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We are readyyy and open!!!! Come join us at 113NightClub till 4am ;))
Its the BankHoliday Weekend!!! With 113 NightClub Come and enjoy your easter here :) We playing Russian/Lithuanian music Everybody is welcome to come Ladies Free Entry Until MIDNIGHT Gents £5 until 1am We are open till 4 am doors closing at 2am No HOODIES or TRAINERS allowed Entry will be refused!! Have a goooood weeekend :)))
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So as you know, 8th of march was womens day... So we have decided to make this saturday an International Womens Day PARTY at 113NightClub Share this Picture To Win Tabel of 4 with a champagne bottle for girls... All you got to do is share this post and Like Our Page then just comment saying DONE... You have 2 days to do this. This will end saturday 14.00 pm and winner will be messaged privatly by 15.00 Dress Code. Smart, Sexxy NO HODDIES , NO HATS , NO TRAINERS or your entry will be refused Ladies free until midnight ( 00.00 ) Gents £5 until 1am Our address is 113 HighStreet Hounslow Tw31qt
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This comming saturdai we are Celebrating " International Women's Day " All ladies will be Entry free until 00.00 Midnight Men will be £5 until 1am Important !!! Dress Code !!!!! No hoddiess, No hats , no trainers Or your entry will be refused to the club! DRESS TO IMPRESS !!! You MUST have your I.D with you TW31QT 113 High Street
113 Eastern NightClub