Horsforth pick your own
A pick your own in Horsforth growing strawberries and raspberries in the summer and pumpkins in the Autumn A pick your own in Horsforth growing strawberries and raspberries
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facebook.comGetting ready for summer already - putting the support posts in for the raspberry plants on a snowy day on West End Lane in Horsforth
To clarify - both sites are now closed. The picking season is sadly over . See you next summer . Thank you
We have now closed for the season. Thank you for your custom and see you again next summer at West End Lane.
We are still open for raspberry picking at Calverley lane only but the strawberry season is now over.
Saturday 29th July - the last weekend of the season. Still some fruit about but not lots - and according to the weather forecast Saturday will be the best day for picking. Strawberries West End lane, raspberries Calverley lane.
roadworks update - there is access now from both ends of West end lane - if coming on Hall lane access from West End lane only but no access via West End rise - there are diversion signs in place to follow
Road works - these are still going on on West End lane, but access to the strawberries today is to come down West End Lane from the crossroads with Baytown lane, NOT off hall road. Will update as we find out more
Friday 28th July - open as usual today from 10am. Strawberries West End lane, raspberries Calverley lane.
Thursday 27th update - strawberries are still open but due to the weather we have closed the raspberries for the rest of today. Please approach the strawberry fields off Hall lane onto West End lane as access from 4 lanes end crossroad is not possible today due to roadworks - see previous post.
Road works - if you are visiting the strawberry fields today access is only from West end lane/West end rise off Hall Lane today. Ignore signs that say closed you have access to the farm. There is NO access down west end lane from the crossroads by Bayton lane. We have been told just for today.
Thursday 27th July - we are open as usual today from 10am. Strawberries at West End Lane and. Raspberries at Calverley lane
Yorkshire, I love you. #1stmay #england #waitingforstrawberries #horsforth #leeds #westyorkshire #yorkshire

These guys have gone to the park with Daddy, so I can "rest". But, even though I've been practically begging the Spouse for this opportunity for about 30 weeks now, I feel left out 😔. I have some Emmerdale to catch up on and some leftover pizza in the fridge, so I'm sure I'll survive, but I hope they don't have too much fun without me! #mumlife #thebrood #pbloggers #missingout #32weekspregnant #timetorest

Lovely morning with jakey raspberry picking and wondering round 'traffical world'😘 now time to chill 💤 #family #nature #Sunday 🌳☀️🍇🐸

Raspberry picking

Morning spent raspberry picking.. 🍓☀️ #raspberries #summer #green #morning

Clover Clubs on me tonight - fresh as you like em!

Picking our own raspberries in order to make...

Summer evening strolls 🌳🌷

Super pleased with his punnet of #raspberries #pickyourown #horsforth #l4l #son #adventuresofmummyandthree #fruit #toddler #happy #handsome #mummyofthree #mumofthree #lifeofamum #momlife #toddlerlife #summer #summerdays #fruitpicking #daysoutwithmummy #adidas

Strawberry and raspberry picking in #horsforth today. Kids loved it #strawberries #raspberries #strawberrypicking #l4l #toddler #instatoddler #summerdays #lifeofatoddler #fruit #fundays #mummytime #adventuresofmummyandthree #momlife #lifeofamum #pigtails #mumofthree #mummyofthree #beautiful #happy


Strawberry picking round the corner from my flat 😋🍓


That face when you get caught eating all the strawberrys your supposed to be picking 😳😝😘#guilty#bigkid 😘🙊🍓 gripped

Strawberry Sunday's 😍🍓🍓👌🏻
