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St Mary's Church, Hinckley

Church Walk, Hinckley, United Kingdom
Church/religious organization



Open Church at the heart of Hinckley. Join us for coffee every day, prayer Thu-Sat @9.30, Communion on Tues @ 10.30, and worship on Sun @ 8am,10.15 & 6pm.


Christian Aid

Please don't ignore this important red envelope. What you put in could be a life line to another mother, father, child - simply another person in need.

Christian Aid

Leicester City FC parade celebrates Premier League win - BBC News

A great day for Leicestershire:

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Please share to spread the word that Churches Together in Hinckley, in partnership with the Diocese of Leicester, are hosting a hustings for the Euro Referendum on Monday 13th June at 7:30 pm at Hinckley Baptist Church. Keynote speaker is Prof Alaisdair Blair, Head of the Dept of Politics and Public Policy at De Montfort University and author of 'The European Union: A Beginners Guide'. All welcome to Alaisdair's talk followed by discussion and debate!

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Photos from St Mary's with St Francis, Hinckley's post

Celebrating Pentecost at our 10.15 service with candles, meditation and flaming colours starring Alex from our youth group! #Pentecost #stmarys

Photos from St Mary's with St Francis, Hinckley's post

If you're coming to the 10.15am service this morning do come wearing something red, orange or yellow - to celebrate Pentecost - the coming of the Holy Spirit. Looking forward to s colourful service!

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Congratulations to Donna and Stuart Tandy, who had Donna's ring blessed, four years after getting married at St Mary's. Well done Harvey for surviving the vicars attempts to make you laugh!

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Let's mark the anti corruption summit by spreading the Christian Aid and Oxfam campaign to end tax havens. #endtaxhavens

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Prayer for the new Bishop of Leicester.

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At St Mary's we are praying for Bishop Martyn's arrival and look forward to his welcome service on Saturday!

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St Mary's with St Francis, Hinckley

St Mary's with St Francis, Hinckley

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Looking forward to the licensing of Jonathan Surridge as priest in charge of St Philips and St Peters, Leicester, this evening. Do they know what's coming, we at St Mary's with St Francis ask! Prayers to Jonathan, his family and the communities he will serve.

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Loved hosting the Royal College of Nursing Centenary Service, here is organiser Shirley with a headless nurse??!!??!!

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NEAR St Mary's Church, Hinckley