Love Stitch
Fabric, Yarn, Dressmaking, Patchwork,Haberdashery, Sewing School, Workshops A unique haberdashery, crafts and sewing cafe in the heart of Heswall village.
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facebook.comGet festive with us! Come and sew this lovely Advent Calander tomorrow afternoon - only basic sewing skills needed. £45 - everything included 12noon - 2.30pm. Still 2 places available. more info -
Unwrap our Christmas Workshops 🎀
Fab 'Sew Saturday' Thank you to everyone who came to visit us today- it was buzzin!!!
In conjunction with 'Sew Saturday' we are hosting a free make and take event where you can pop in and be shown how to make bunting and Christmas decorations and have a go yourself!
Celebrate Sew Saturday on 21st October 2017
Sew Saturday- this Saturday at Love Stitch. Pop in any time between 11am and 4pm and join in the fun! We will be hosting a Make and Take Bunting Bonanza! You can also make lavender bags, heart book marks, our cute little dog mascot and Christmas decorations throughout the day - All FREE!! Call in and say 'hi' and support your local fabric shop this Saturday. Special offers on the day too!!
Debbie loved our sign! - fab day yesterday at Love Stitch
We are so excited! Debbie Bliss is visiting Love Stitch today!!! She is giving a talk at 2pm upstairs in our Sewing Studio which is ticket only and sold out but we're hoping she'll be in the shop later on too. Her new yarns including Aymara which is 100% baby alpaca, will be on show and sample garments from her pattern books - call in an say HI!! See you later.....
Celebrate Sew Saturday on 21st October 2017
Zips and Buttonholes Workshop tomorrow afternoon. 2 places left. 2pm-4pm. See website for more details and book - 'Sewing Techniques 2' . Lovely coffees and cake served as you sew too- what not to like??
Come and meet Debbie Bliss at Lovestitch!
Scared of your sewing machine? Is it still in the box? We can help! 'Introduction to Sewing' 4 week course starts Thursday 21st September 10am-12.30pm. You'll learn all the basics and then build your confidence with these 3 lovely projects. Give it a go - you can do it! (also evening course starting in November) Booking via website, call the shop or give us a ring! We provide our lovely sewing machines for you to use.