Sweet Sol
Sweet Sol is an audio confectionery™ sweet shop and a sweet shop with a difference; an interactive experience to get inspiration for the perfect multi-sensory gift. You can literally touch, smell, taste, see and hear your purchase!
Firstly Sweet Sol is a real person who is very close to us, and this project came about after the passing of someone very special to him, his grandfather. Sol never got to meet his grandfather and never got to hear his voice, but he will always hear stories about his Grandfather and how loved he was by his family, friends and the community, which inspired us. What if there was a way to hear your loved ones voice again?
After all Sweet Sol's ethos and intention is to believe in that love and how you can represent it to them in something that you can create yourself.
Sweet Sol is a sweet shop with a difference; an interactive experience to get inspiration for the perfect gift.
Create your own greeting card and record with your own voice a message right onto the card, then choose the sweets that you feel compliment your gift. Every time the card is opened they will hear your voice!
Behind all the tricks and magic Sweet Sol is a place of giving and to give is to love therefore our message is to Believe in Love.
Record your sweet moment, in your own voice, and give it as a gift for someone to keep. Get creative with your sweets!
Heart & Community
We aim to get kids and adults alike to learn how to have a healthier lifestyle through our "Sol Healthy" program teaching a balance of a nutritional diet with regular classes to offer a fun and healthier way of drinking and eating... showing people they can still enjoy the fun stuff but be healthier. You don't have to lose the taste if you do it right ;)
We are including something else for your sweet tooth (literally) a spot to purchase fun toothbrushes to look after your teeth.
This program will provide team working, art, crafts, reading and lots of fun!
Sweet Sol also provides parties!
Our products:
There are a number of Sweet Sol products including Sol's Doggy Bag (pick 'n' mix), Sol Surprise, Sweet 'n' Sol-ty Dark Chocolate bites, Cake-less Cakes and Sweet Sol merchandise. You will also enjoy our hand made sweets like our "Sweet 'n' Sol-ty Dark Chocolate Bites" by Finch's Kitchen and our "Sweet Sol Sweetheart Cakes" made from just sweets by SweetsStuff.
Tell your friends
facebook.comShare your 25-second story with us and we will feature it, your stories can be a fun, emotional or serious. You never know, but your story could help make someone else day and lift their mood if they are having a bad day. Send your story to us at sweetsupport@sweetsol.co.uk or direct message us in our Facebook messages and we shall feature your story! #SweetSol #ShareYourStory #saturdayvibes #Saturday #whatwouldsoldo Buy in the Bay Hello Herne Bay
GUESS THE SOUNDS. Our brand new game continues. 3 new sounds will play, comment below what you think the answers are. Will you guess all 3? #sweetsol #shareyoursound #recordsweetmoments #guessinggame #onlinegame #competition #justforfun #friday #fridaymood #sound #whatisit #listen #asmrgame #asmr
Get a FREE Sweet Sol Rainbow Bookmark when you make a purchase of £6.50 and over. This offer ends Sunday Sign up at www.sweetsolsound.co.uk to receive your 10% off code that you can use for life :D #sweetsol #FridayFeeling #WeekOffer #Rainbow #Bookmark Hello Herne Bay Buy in the Bay
Good morning all, Did you know, the eardrum vibrates from the incoming sound waves and sends these vibrations to three tiny bones in the middle ear. These bones are called the malleus, incus, and stapes #SweetSol #funfactfriday #friday #fridayfeeling Buy in the Bay Hello Herne Bay
There are many health benefits to sharing and being kind, check out this fact. Keep doing one simple act of kindness a day like sharing your message of love with our audio cards. #sweetsol #shareyoursound #recordsweetmoments #thursdaythoughts #goodforyou Buy in the Bay Hello Herne Bay BayPromoTeam
Moving up a year and becoming a year 7 is not easy so let your child know how proud you are of them for being so brave by recording a voice message with a comforting message for them to listen to, too pick themselves up when they are feeling down. Order your audio card at www.sweetsolsound.co.uk ready for the beginning of term! #SweetSol #BackToSchool #ThursdayThoughts #Love Buy in the Bay Hello Herne Bay
If you were sending someone an audio card what voice message would you record? Comment below or send us a voice clip no longer than 25 secs and we’ll feature it! sweetsupport@sweetsol.co.uk Buy an audio card now... www.sweetsolsounds.co.uk #sweetsol #shareyoursound #recordsweetmoments #weekend
Get a FREE Sweet Sol Rainbow Bookmark when you make a purchase of £6.50 and over. Don’t forget to sign up at www.sweetsolsound.co.uk to receive your 10% off code that you can use for life :D Offer ends Sunday! #sweetsol #shareyoursound #WednesdayWisdom #WeekOffer #Rainbow #Bookmark Buy in the Bay Hello Herne Bay
Get your unique 10% off code for life when you sign up to www.sweetsolsound.co.uk the place to go when you want to share your sound with the people you love, through our audio cards and sweet gifts. #SweetSol #ShareYourSound #BelieveInLove #WednesdayWisdom #SweetCommunityOnTheGo Buy in the Bay Hello Herne Bay
Feel Sol sensual with homemade dark chocolate honeycomb bites, luxury chocolates with a sprinkling of Himalayan rock salt or gluten-free marshmallows. Head over to www.sweetsol.co.uk and let your senses go wild! #SweetSol #DarkChocolate #SolSensual #luxury #Homemade #Vegan #GlutenFree
Today is #CharityTuesday & we’re offering a chance for any #charity or #community Centre/group to win a free taster #CreativeExpressionSession with us & Sweet Community_CIC just leave a comment with your favourite charity we have had amazing suggestions of great charities, keep them coming in the comments below and we’ll pick one at random at the end of the month! #sweetsol #scotg #sweetcommunityonthego #creative #event #support #shareyoursound #recordsweetmoments
Share Your Sound with the people you love, design and record them an audio card! Sign up to www.sweetsolsound.co.uk and receive your free 10% off code to use for life.