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D P Property

10 Owton Manor Lane, Hartlepool, United Kingdom
Real Estate



D P Property has developed into assisting people to sell their property and in allot of cases keep it. I offer free help to anyone who feels they may need it. or give me a ring  01429 872817   D P Property has developed into assisting people to sell their property and in allot of cases keep it. I offer free help to anyone who feels they may need it. or give me a ring  01429 872817



As it says on our van we help you keep your house as well as help you sell it. We have sold over 100 properties in Hartlepool in the last couple of years, not bad for a small local business, we have also helped 100's of people keep theirs. Because we get paid from the buyers whether you sell or not you pay us nothing, so why not have a chat. Give us a ring on 01429 872 817

Did you know this ? If you put your house up for sale with an agent as an auction lot you pay "No Fees" which is good, maybe !!!! However the agent will put the property on the market at "Your Asking Price" plus around £6,000 as a buyers premium, which in effect puts most buyers off. We don't charge the seller any fee, we will get you the agreed price in full and we will pay the solicitor costs in 99% of sales. Give us a ring today to see how fast we can sell your house, Hartlepool 01429 872817 and speak to Derek (Me)

A few tips if you are trying to sell your house at this time of year; Make sure the heating is on because people will rush the viewing if they are cold. Make sure the windows are clean as it makes the house look much better and brighter inside. Make the garden look neat and clean as first impressions count. I've got lots more of these to share, just ask me for any help.

Business in Hartlepool is up and running from the Christmas break, please tell me if you've seen our trailer, van or car over the holidays and where. Thank You

Wishing All our past, present and Future customers and clients a Very Merry Chrismas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Who said the run up to Christmas is quiet ? We are completing on two properties this week with more completing in the next few weeks. Lots of viewings done and planned for the next week or two, so get your property sold before Chrismas and start next year afresh.

£100 in time for Christmas, would that be good ? We have just paid £100 to someone for passing our telephone number to a friend of theirs, how easy is that ? If you pass our details onto someone who is struggling to sell their house or pay their mortgage, we may be able to help them. Anyone we do work with we will pay you £100 on completion. Ring 01429 872 817 and speak to Jen or Derek.

Lots of people think they have to sell their home for a reduced price, we have investors who buy for market value, we even have some who will buy for above market value. We have helped nearly 100 people in and around Hartlepool recently sell their properties, we are not national buyers, we are Hartlepool Buyers and proud to be so. Give us a ring on 01429 872817 for an informal chat without any pressure. For more information

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******Another Sale Done and Another Happy Customer****** * Client struggled to sell his house for months. * With my help the house was sold and completed in 6 weeks. * No Fees Paid * Client very happy with financial outcome If you feel you can benefit from my help and advice please give me a call on 01429 872817.

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What a range of properties we have viewed recently, we were asked to sell one in the town for £18K the other day. Then over the last couple of days we've been asked to sell one at nearly £400K and another one at over £500K, these are a totally different challenge. We have come up with a solution for them, one of which involves them keeping the property and making lots of money from it. If you know anyone needing to sell their property pass our details on and we will always pay a referal fee, contact us on 01429 872817
