Harrogate parkrun
FREE, weekly, timed 5km run on the Stray, Harrogate at 9am. FREE, weekly, timed 5km run on the Stray, Harrogate at 9am.
Heavily reliant on those who volunteer - if anyone is interested in spending a couple of hours on a Saturday morning helping out, please email harrogatehelpers@parkrun.com and we will happily add you to the volunteer email list.
**sign up on www.parkrun.com/about/signup if you're new to parkrun**
**no barcode - no time**
Keep up-to-date by following us on twitter @hgateparkrun or check out our website http://www.parkrun.org.uk/harrogate/home
Approx Map: http://bit.ly/zG1KVH
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facebook.comWell its a wrap :D Results are all processed and floating around the wireless networks of data. A huge thanks to the volunteers for working wonderfully and happily. Congratulations mini mermaids :D Quite a nice dry course and some would say perfect running weather. Well done everyone. Have a great week and catch next time :D
All tokens sorted with 313 results to follow!!
We’re getting all charged up and ready for tomorrow’s parkrun. Forecast is good, the roster is full. We will remember this lot. You just remember your bar-code. See you all at the bench for a 9am start. If you fancy finding out what all the stuff is for join us in Cafe Marconi for coffee ☕️ post run.
Midweek message time and its all looking fabulous. We've had a little sun this week. The roster is looking pretty good (still a few spaces if you want one). The Stray is drying up a bit and the Crocus are looking magnificent ! Enjoy the rest of your week and we will see you soon.
parkrun 324 run report is here, have a good week one and all. http://www.parkrun.org.uk/harrogate/news/2018/03/18/harrogate-parkrun-324-run-report/
Results are processed, hope you are all starting to warm up now! Enjoy the rest of the weekend. http://www.parkrun.org.uk/harrogate/results/latestresults/
Busily measuring, no snow or ice, see you all soon! DFYB
Good news ! We have a full roster for the morning... Other news..... The weather looks ....erm interesting ? could be wet, could be white , will certainly feel cold cold cold...so keep an eye on here for updates but we did a course check earlier and we are planning to go ahead if safe. Don't take any risks driving to us if its bad, its only a run...hopefully see you at the bench at 9am DFYB
Some lovely new trees being planted along Slingsby Walk this morning
This weeks run report is here to brighten up a dreary day 😀
Results are up - http://www.parkrun.org.uk/harrogate/results/latestresults/
Wow that was wet and muddy! Thanks to all of our fantastic volunteers from Knaresborough Striders and a HUGE well done to all of the Striders Zero to Hero course participants who completed their first parkrun today.