Looney's Dreadlock Care and Repair
For all your care and repair dreadlock needs, from tidying up your roots to extentions, nylon plates to decorative warps and helpdul tips and advice.
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Photos from Looney's Dreadlock Care and Repair's post
Please don't nelect your dreadlocks!! I can be a painful experience for both dreader and dreadie to put right
Helpful tip for the day....itchy scalp? BABY POWDER! Sprinkle on the roots, message in and let it work
Looney's Dreadlock Care and Repair's cover photo
Looney's Dreadlock Care and Repair
Filling Thin Spots on Dreads with Human Hair Afro Bulk- DoctoredLocks.com
Very similar to my method
How to Repair Thinning Spots in Dreadlocks Tutorial- DoctoredLocks.com
Now I haven't used this method but it's dreadfully good 😊
Battle that dreadful fizz!
Just a little something to help you style it up
Photos from Looney's Dreadlock Care and Repair's post
So my beautiful twin sister has been nagging me for dreads for over a year and I finally gave in but they came out rather short so to add some length and COLOUR! I used roving wool to wrap and lengthen