AHM - Alan Hassell Motorsport
AHM combine state of the art engineering with over 40 years worth of experience in the highest levels of motorsport.
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facebook.comSome people hate Christmas music and love the sound of 454 Big Block Chevrolets. For those people, here's Kelvin racing the F1 at Gala night at Birmingham Wheels Raceway. The last hit was so hard it knocked the radiator loose, it fell on the fan which promptly cut a hole in it ending the night.
This video was taken from stone cold and the choke wasnt connected.
Next lot of e type bits are ready for cleaning and painting. Chris' Imp is in for bike carb fitment. Excellent upgrade, lovely noise and a bit more poke.
We are reaching the end of the Jaguar engine build. Time to strip the transmission and find out what's going on in there.
Picture spotted on twitter this morning Malcom Johnson's Cosworth from his Formula Saloon days.
Aside from offering up and checking this ones done.
Chris' distributor fell to bits causing 33 degrees advance on idle! Somehow the car still drove to the workshop. Its a 123 distributor with 16 pre programmed advance curves. The car has completely transformed to a far superior car than it ever has been. Very good investment.
All the pistons are in the V12. We are now ready for the oil pick up and sump pan.
The first cylinder head is going on the E-Type V12
Video from the race.
After a lot of editing, this is Qualifying. Looks like it lost a lot of quality during the conversion from one file type to another unfortunately. P.s be sure to check out 13.10 for Richards immense save.
Very good day yesterday. Car didnt miss a beat for both qualifying and races. Both drivers did an excellent job of keeping it mostly in a straight line. Engine must be very tired now. Hopefully next year brings us a proper race engine for it. Roll on 2018. Video footage will be up at some point, lots of editing to do.
Merry Christmas from work, because race cars don't build themselves.

There's a #lilkunst on our mini BMX...

Sexy new set of @saltbmxparts bars arrived at the shop this morning! Done bolted them to the old @mongoosebikes bmx!

I'd like to thank my parents and my sponsors...

I'd like to thank my parents and my sponsors...
