Next generation animation technology for games, post-production, live performance capture and indie development Bringing in a new era of animation and motion capture processing, IKinema enables animators and game developers to rig characters and stream, record and retarget motion capture data at a fraction of the time and cost of alternative solutions. Run-time and off-line solutions are available.
IKinema’s Maya plug-in converts virtually any skeleton model to a full feature rig while generating fluid and life-like full-body animation for a wide range of characters. Retargeting can also be executed from other models for rapid customisation of existing assets or from motion capture data such as position markers and joint data. Additional features include real-time links to Vicon and Xsens motion capture systems for real-time streaming, retargeting and recording of data, as well as automatic balance and centre of mass control for rapid animation.
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facebook.comGet some Action in time for Monday – Sale ends Sunday! Promo code: Action-5-promo #IKinemaAction #Maya #Animation #IKinemaAction #PostProduction #MoCap
G-STAR에 가시는 분들! 좋은 소식이 있습니다! 요번 G-STAR 2017 B2B에 참가하는 영국의 IKinema입니다. IKinema 부스는 B2B 3층 V07에 있습니다. IKinema에서 11월 17일 금요일 오전 10:15 ~ 12시에 제2전시관 제2전시장 123호에서 게임과 VR을 위한 IKinema 런타임 미들웨어에 관한 세미나를 하게 됩니다. 언리얼엔진 사용하고 계시다면 언제든지 환영이에요~ 문의는 카톡으로 가능! 카카오톡 플러스친구에 아이키네마 검색하고 친구하시면 1:1 문의 가능합니다. #지스타 #지스타2017 #지스타2017 #GStar #GStar2017 #언리얼엔진4 #언리얼 #게임개발 #인디게임 #언리얼개발 #언리얼엔진 #게임 #벡스코 #부산 #세미나 Business Wire
Nominate #IKinemaRunTime #VR and expand your game! Impulse Gear #Farpoint #PSVR #RealismByIKinema
#AugmentedReality for #advertising #MagicMirror #AR #animation
IKinema goes to GStar! Make sure to secure your place today for the one day only seminar: RunTime Game | GStar@IKinema.com Gameshow.gstar #GStar2017 #gamedev #animation Business Wire
IKINEMA AT GSTAR GAMESHOW 2017 | BEXCO BUSAN KOREA | B2B 16-18 NOV – Top game studios achieve stunningly realistic animation during gameplay using RunTime middleware. Seminar bookings: RunTime Games, GStar@IKinema.com #GStar2017 Gameshow.gstar #gamedev #animation #UE4 PocketGamer.biz Business Wire
Proud sponsor of the Epic MegaJam, 2-9 Nov! Download a RunTime-Indie MegaJam license www.IKinema.com/indie-games. Enter RTi.MegaJam in the Unreal Engine. #ue4jam #IKinema Unreal Engine
A good read by VRFocus #PlaystationVR #games #animation #IKinema for #VR #gamedev #UE4
#IKinema will get you jumping for Halloween in #LittleNightmares! #RealismByIKinema #IKinemaRunTime Tarsier Studios Bandai Namco #gamedev #animation #UE4 #PS4 #XboxOne #PCGaming
Don't have #LittleNightmares this halloween! #IKinemaRunTime #IKinema #RealismbyIKinema Tarsier Studios Bandai Namco #gamedev #animation #UE4 #PS4 #XboxOne #PCGaming
IKinema in CGchannel #IKinemaAction Deep Silver Dambuster Studios #Maya #postproduction #animation #mocap #gamedev