Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara Gravesend
Official Page for Guru Nanak Darbar Gravesend, one of the largest Gurdwaras in Europe representing the Sikh community of Gravesend. One of the biggest Gurdwaras in Europe hosting fantastic facilities for Sikhs and the wider community, including three Meditation Halls, two Langar Halls, fully equipped Lecture Theatre seating 140 people, ICT suite, Library, Meeting Room, etc. Nursery provision to be developed. The compex also includes Sports fields and Sports Hall (home of Guru Nanak Football Club, Kabaddi, Karate, Basketball, etc), Guru Nanak Day Centre for the Elderly, and Punjabi School at weekends.
Phone No. 01474 350 611
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facebook.comSangat Ji, please come and listen to English & Punjabi Katha by Bhai Nirmaljit Singh Khalsa, tomorrow afternoon from 12:00pm - 1:00pm and also in the evening diwan from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. Please share. Thank you
Everyone is invited to come and celebrate Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Prakash Gurpurb (birthday of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji) at the Gurdwara over the weekend of 5-7 January. The programme for the weekend is as follows: Friday 10.00am - Arambh Sri Akhand Path Saturday 6.00pm - 6.30pm - Kirtan Darbar Saturday 6.30pm - 9.00pm - Kavi Darbar Sunday - 10.00am - Bhog Sri Akhand Path 10.30am 12:00pm - Kirtan and Katha 12:00pm - 1:00pm - Katha by Giani Nirmaljit Singh Daughter of Shaheed Bhai Amrik Singh Ji will be joining the sangat. This is a time for the whole community to come together, please come and join us on this joyous occasion.
*** KAURS CAMP 2018 *** With the Grace of Guru Sahib, Everythings 13 - Basics of Sikhi are delighted to announce their second Kaurs Camp! Join them for a three-day retreat exploring the spiritual life of a Kaur. The theme of this years camp will be ‘The Soul Bride- building a relationship with The Guru’. All Kaurs are welcome to take this opportunity to meet like-minded Sangat, strengthen your Sikhi and relationship with Guru Sahib! The camp will take place in Birmingham from Friday 26th January until Sunday 28th January 2018. The cost of the camp is £25 which includes all accommodation and Langar. The minimum age for participants is 16yrs. There are LIMITED SPACES so book your place now at If you need more information, please email
Gurfateh Sangat ji, a reminder about the hugely popular weekly children’s storytelling sessions held in the Guru Ghar Library every Sunday between 17:30 and 19:00. Please share with local parents 🙏🏽
Gurfateh Sangat Ji, We are excited to host our annual Kavi Darbar this Saturday evening. You are encouraged to come forward with poems about Guru Gobind Singh Ji and share with the Sangat, those wishing to do so, please put your name down at the Gurdwara (main reception). Please do attend to share your talents and support the performing poets.
Everyone is invited to come and celebrate Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Prakash Gurpurb (birthday of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji) at the Gurdwara over the weekend of 5-7 January. The programme for the weekend is as follows: Friday 10.00am - Arambh Sri Akhand Path Saturday 6.00pm - 6.30pm - Kirtan Darbar Saturday 6.30pm - 9.00pm - Kavi Darbar Sunday - 10.00am - Bhog Sri Akhand Path 10.30am 12:00pm - Kirtan and Katha 12:00pm - 1:00pm - Katha by Giani Nirmaljit Singh Daughter of Shaheed Bhai Amrik Singh Ji will be joining the sangat. This is a time for the whole community to come together, please come and join us on this joyous occasion.
Sangat Ji, Sant Baba Baldev Singh Ji will be at our Guru Ghar from 11:30 until 12:30 tomorrow morning (different to originally advertised below). Baba ji is Mukh Sevadar from the Damdami Taksal Jogewala. He was a student of Sant Harnam Singh Ji, who in turn was the first student of Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Bindranwale. Baba ji is now dedicated to teaching at the Jogewala Branch of Damdami Taksal where there are currently 100 students taking santhya. Please attend 🙏🏽
Sangat Ji, please continue to donate over these winter days, let's help those less fortunate. Please share this post. Thank you
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫ਼ਤਿਹ Sangat ji, we hope you enjoyed the New Year smagam at the Guru Ghar. We have already received some great feedback and thank all sevadars for their support with ensuring the sangat and local residents had an enjoyable day and evening. Traffic management in particular was very smooth. We do also apologise for any inconvenience caused to nearby residents by the fireworks display. Every effort was made to inform residents ahead of time and we do sympathise with the uncomfort that the noise from the display may have caused some. Please listen to the full programme on SoundCloud. Photos will follow. Happy New Year to you all! Listen to GNDG 2017 - 18 New Year Samagam by GNDG-Gravesend #np on #SoundCloud
Listen live to tonight’s diwan: