Glassford Primary School
In Glassford we constantly aim to provide the children with a rich stimulating curriculum within a caring, supportive environment.
We are very grateful to some of our parents who give up their time and become parent helpers. In Glassford we constantly aim to provide the children with a rich stimulating curriculum within a caring, supportive environment.
We are very grateful to some of our parents who give up their time and become parent helpers.
We take pride in the commitment of all the staff in the school. All teaching staff have a sound knowledge and understanding of each child's needs and are ably supported by our Support Staff. We have a very supportive School Board and PTA whose involvement benefits the school greatly.
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Some bed time reading for all of you. The Parent Council Newsletter was distributed this week to all children!
Photos from Glassford Primary School's post
We've started painting Sparkle the Hippo and the children will all get a chance to help tomorrow. Does anyone have an old spare mans shirt - we could do with a couple - to help keep the kids clothes and paint separate please?
Photos from Glassford Primary School's post
The beetle drive is tomorrow night (Wednesday) so if you're not sure how to play, here's how... The aim of the game of Beetle is to be the first player to draw a complete beetle. The body parts are each given a number. • 6 - The Body - (1 per beetle) • 5 - The Head - (1 per beetle) • 4 - The Wings - (2 per beetle) • 3 - The Legs - (6 per beetle) • 2 - The Antenna - (2 per beetle) • 1 - The Eyes - (2 per beetle) Players take turns to roll a die and can add the corresponding body part to their beetle. They must however throw a 6 first for the body before they can add any other part. Players may only add the correct number of body parts to their beetle for instance only 2 wings, a further throw of number 4 resulting in no addition and the die being passed on. Some player's beetles will be drawn quite rapidly other players will flounder unable to throw the correct score on the die to complete their beetle. The minute one player has completed their picture they shout Beetle and that is the end of that game. To make it a beetle drive.... A Beetle Drive is a mass game of beetle. Players sit around tables in groups of four. Each player has a sheet with 6 boxes in which to draw their beetles. On "GO" the game starts with each group of players trying furiously to complete their beetles. The minute any player in the room complete their beetle they shout "BEETLE" and the whole room stops immediately. All players then add up the number of body parts they have added to their own beetle scoring one point for each part to a maximum of 14 for a completed beetle. The highest scorer from each table then moves to the next table in a clockwise direction whilst the lowest scorer moves anti-clockwise. When everyone is sitting at their new tables the organiser shouts "GO" another round is played. Each player keeps a running total of their scores and at the end of the last round the person with the highest score is crowned Champion / King of the Beetles / Golden Beetle and given an appropriate prize. Feel free to have a go, it's really fun! All you need is a dice and the attached card, or just a bit of paper to draw out your own boxes. Please come along. It's only £1 per playing card.
Photos from Glassford Primary School's post
All the School children were out litter picking around Glassford today. The gale force winds tried to stop us but we survived! and Glassford is tidier as a result!
Timeline Photos
Timeline Photos
The next meeting of the Glassford Primary School Parent Council will be Wednesday 19th April 2017 and it will beheld within the School as usual. All parents and carers of children at the school will be mad every welcome. Please spread the word amongst your peers because with the school children being on holiday, I don't have the opportunity to get a note home via the kids in good time before the meeting. 7.00pm and the Agenda for the meeting is attached below.
Timeline Photos
A sneaky peek at the Easter hamper being raffled off tomorrow at the daffodil 🌼 tea. Come along to the Easter service first at 10am in Glassford Parish Church.
Thank you to everyone who contributed towards the rag bag collection earlier this month. It raised an amazing £163.20 which is a great amount for school funds. Thanks so much again to the community for your continued support.
Easter service
Come along for the school Easter service, all welcome! Daffodil 🌼 tea ☕️ to follow.
Glassford Primary School