Tots Play Kilsyth & Kirkintilloch
Tots Play offers great unique, multi-activity, developmental play where special memories are made. Classes are suitable for children from birth to 3 years
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS🐵🌟 We all love learning new signs in class especially as we can communicate with our babies ... - We now know how to sign that we want to PLAY with our TEDDY Bear 🐻 our bouncy BALL 🎾 and our Rubber DUCK 🦆 💕👌 can you remember these signs?😘 Babies have the desire to communicate with us long before they develop the ability to speak, and learning to use sign language is one way in which they can let you know what is on their mind from just a few months old... practice makes perfect mummies and daddies 😂👌🐒🌟 To join us and book your spot on our next term for the Baby Development Course, Discovery Tots or Social Tots just follow link for available classes in Kilsyth & Kirkintilloch 💖💖 Big hugs, Clare 🐵🌟🤗💕
🐵🌟🎉Happy 1️⃣st Birthday Amber 💖🎂 - big hugs from all your Tots Play friends xxxx 🎉🎂💖😘🤗
Totsy has given me my pep talk 🙊😜🤗💖 see ya babies 🤗
🐵🌟🐣💖 Spaces available to join our Social Tots (actively crawling to approx 3 years) Easter Party on Thursday 29th March at 2pm...🐥 During the 40 Minute Party we have yoga fun to songs, we Learn some Easter Sign Language, parachute fun, Easter sensory play & more 🐥💖 Come along and book spot at Big hugs, Clare xx🐥💖🐣🐵🌟
🐵🌟 A wee question for all my Kirkintilloch Tots present, future & past 🤗 Following last weeks class with us upstairs in function hall... I am now trying to gauge what you prefer (bearing in mind no lift): Thanks for helping me out 🐵🌟🙌🏻🤗💖
🐒🌟 Why use massage with babies? 🌟🐒 Touch is of the utmost importance to babies, it allows them to feel safe, and is the first way in which they begin to understand the world -even before they are born. Infant massage is not just touch but a special form of contact, using the sensory experience that baby knows best to connect and communicate....🤗 There are so many benefits with Baby Massage and we focus on positive touch throughout all 3 classes... the Baby Development Course, Discovery Tots & Social Tots....💗🤗🐒🌟💛 Book your spot today at for our new term starting from 3rd April .. Big hugs, Clare xx 🐵🌟🤗💖
🐵🌟😜 Who’s the boss in your house? 🤷♀️😂💖
🐵🌟💖 A BIG HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY To Maisie 🎉🎉🎉🎉 - been so great seeing you grow and develop all through Baby Development Course, Discovery Tots & now seeing you have fun in Social Tots with all ur friends...have fab day celebrating with all ur friends & family... big hugs xxx 💖💖🎉🐵🌟
🐵🌟🤗 ❓Did you know you can trial Discovery Tots & Social Tots for 3 consecutive weeks for only £15?❓...🤗☺️🌟🐵💖 NEW TERM STARTS: 🌟🌟🌟 🌟KILSYTH 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Tuesday 3rd April & Thursday 5th April 🌟🌟🌟 KIRKINTILLOCH 🌟🌟🌟 Friday 5th April (& we start off with a wee Easter party for all 🐣💖🎉) To book your spot just visit; 🤗🤗 Big hugs Clare xx🐵🌟💖
🐵🌟🎉🎂 Happy Birthday Erin.... hope you had a gat day celebrating turning 2️⃣💖🤗🎉🐵🌟
🐵🌟🤗 NEW Term starts from 3rd April.... can’t wait to welcome our wee ones back and a BIG welcome to any new babies and toddlers 🤗 🌟🌟🌟 🌟KILSYTH 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Tuesday 3rd April & Thursday 5th April 🌟🌟🌟 KIRKINTILLOCH 🌟🌟🌟 Friday 5th April & we start with a wee Easter party for all 🐣💖🎉 To book place visit: 🤗🤗 #newterm #kilsyth #kirkintilloch #totsplay #babies #fun #grow #laugh #learn #friends #totsymonkey #babymassage #babysensory #babyyoga #babysigning #love #discoverytots #socialtots #smiles #memories #best