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Fraserburgh Academy Parent Council

1 Dennyduff Road, Fraserburgh, United Kingdom
Community Organization



Keep up to date with the Fraserburgh Academy Parent Council on this page. Find out about parent council meetings,  fundraisers , events etc.

1. This is the constitution for Fraserburgh Academy Parent Council.

2. The objectives of the Parent Council are:

To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents.

To promote partnership between the school, its pupils and all its parents

To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils

To identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils.

3. The membership will be a minimum of four parents of children attending the school plus the Head Teacher (or his or her representative). The maximum size is 15 parents plus Head Teacher (or his or her representative) plus any co-opted members.

4. Any parents of a child at the school can volunteer to be a member of the Parent Council. In the event that the number of volunteers exceeds the number of places set out in the constitution, members will be selected by election by parent forum.

Anyone not selected to be a member of the Parent Council may be offered the opportunity to be part of any sub-groups set up by the Council. .

5. The Parent Council may co-opt up to four people to assist it with carrying out its functions.

The number of parent members on the Parent Council must always be greater than co-opted members.

Co-opted members will be invited to serve for a period of up to two years, after which time the Parent Council will review and consider requirements for co-opted membership.

6. The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the Council will be agreed by the Parent Council members immediately following its formation.

Office bearers will be re-selected by the Parent Council on an annual basis (at the annual meeting of the Parent Forum).

The Parent Council will be chaired by a parent of a child attending Fraserburgh Academy. If the child ceases to be a pupil, a new Chair will be agreed at the next meeting.

7. The Parent Council is accountable to the Parent Forum for Fraserburgh Academy and will make a report to it at least once each year on its activities on behalf of all the parents.

If 20 members of the Parent Forum request a special general meeting to discuss issues falling within the Council's remit, the

Parent Council shall arrange this. The Parent Council shall give all members of the Forum at least 2 weeks notice of the meeting and, at the same time, circulate notice of the matter, or matters, to be discussed at the meeting.

8. The Annual Meeting will be held in the autumn of each year. A notice of the meeting including date, time, and place will be sent to all members of the Parent Forum at least 2 weeks in advance. The meeting will include:


Good luck to Fraserburgh FC tonight from the Fraserburgh Academy Parent Council.

Fraserburgh Academy Parent Council are setting up a fundraising group solely for the purpose of raising funds to enhance our children's experiences at Fraserburgh Academy. So if your a Parent, Grandparent, carer, aunt, uncle, Teacher, pupil or someone who loves fundraising the next meeting will be on Monday the 5th of February 6.00pm at Fraserburgh Academy and we would love to see you there to share ideas. The more the merrier! Please message the page if you are able to attend and would like to help in any way towards future fundraising. The more ideas we have the better. Thank you.
