The Tyrer Partnership
We are a well established ecological consultancy and undertake full ecological surveys for all protected species inc Extended Phase 1 habitat surveys. We are a well established and expanding ecological consultancy which was started by Stan Irwin in 1995 who has held a full Natural England bat licence and a licence to disturb barn owls since 1985. (All counties of England) Also held is a Natural Resources Wales full bat licence (All Counties of Wales) The Tyrer Partnership is probably the most established and experienced company, in relation to bats, in the North West of England.
The presence of a protected species at a development site can cause unwanted and costly delays if not addressed correctly therefore THE TYRER PARTNERSHIP always advises clients to commission surveys at an early stage i.e. when considering or as soon as they have purchased a site. To this end we conduct an initial assessment to identify potential and/or evidence of use by a protected species, and compile a thorough but concise report without the all too familiar unnecessary jargon but are entirely suitable to submit with Planning Applications.
Our surveys are undertaken by skilled ecologists with a wide range of experience and appropriately licensed for all species, our surveyors have been associated with THE TYRER PARTNERSHIP for many years and we deliver our surveys within budget and agreed timescales; which is particularly useful at peak survey times when clients need a quick response and turn around of surveys.
We have a vast wealth of experience and a wide range of regular clients, some of which include:
• Local authorities
• Highways Agency
• Welsh Assembly
• National Trust
• United Utilities
• British Waterways
• Lancashire County Council
• Liverpool 20/20
THE TYRER PARTNERSHIP is based in Formby, Merseyside which is conveniently located for the North West of England and beyond. Surveys have been undertaken throughout Merseyside, Lancashire, Cheshire, Shropshire, Derbyshire, Midlands, Manchester, Cumbria, North/South Wales and Isle of Man.
We undertake full ecological surveys including all protected species, Phase 1, Extended Phase 1 Habitat surveys, aerial tree inspections and ornithological surveys. We also undertake and are fully trained in bridge and culvert surveying and hold appropriate Confined Space Certification.
Wildlife Legislation and species conservation are one of the many services provided along with a full service which will see clients project to completion, including mitigation strategies, roost/wildlife enhancements and protected species licence applications where they are required.
Large building developers to private individuals, blue chip companies, and local governments alike can be catered for and meet their requirements.
Public Liability, Professional Indemnity and Employers Liability insurance are all held
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facebook.comThought I'd help with the mucking out after I'd finished surveying today !!! 😆
Nice bit of company on last nights dusk survey...
Some interesting artwork on site today...
Well spring seems to have sprung ! An interesting few weeks for site visits - from this little fella we found in a barn to Josh identifying Midland Hawthorn, on a site in Cheshire, a species favouring ancient woodland and rare in this area! (specimen on the right compared to common species on the left) 👍🦇
The Tyrer Partnership would like to welcome Josh Styles to the team - Josh is a keen naturalist with a background in botany and conservation and holds a 1st class degree in BSc Ecology, and a FISC certification level 5.
It's been busy start to 2017 at The Tyrer Partnership - however, when we asked the contractor to provide a safe means of access to investigate the chimney we were not quite expecting this........... :-) :-) :-)
Good result from the bat box checks - 6 Noctule bats !
Nice day for deploying the reptile mats in Derbyshire ! Britain's six native species of snakes and lizards are declining to some degree; they can be difficult to find as they are secretive and camouflage well within their surroundings. Reptiles are generally active between the months of March - October and the best months for surveying tend to be April, May and September (depending on climatic factors).
Ooops - Work Place incident !!! Whiskered/Brandt's bat found in Southport town centre !