The Salvation Army Findochty Corps
Wednesday 10am Art
Sunday 10.30am & 6pm Worship
Thursday 2pm CAMEO
Messy Church Sunday 1st October 12.30 pm
Monday 9.30 Sing and Play 6pm Home League
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facebook.comAnniversary Meetings 10.30am & 6pm led by Majors Jim & Margaret Prescott.
The fun continues this Sunday with ' Be a bright light' Messy Church.
Celebrating 50 years since Captains Stanger came to Findochty.
Celebrating 50 years since Captains Stanger came to Findochty.
On Saturday 21st October we will be celebrating 50 years since Captains James and Margaret Stanger arrived in Findochty with Isobel and William. Come along to an informal night together at the hall in Chapel Street at 7pm.
Messy Church on the theme of Harvest
A range of soups including Cullen Skink followed by speciality Sweet.