Findhorn Foundation
A spiritual community, an ecovillage and a learning centre - a unique laboratory for change. We offer a broad range of workshops, events and a variety of ways to participate, with the aim of inspiring and demonstrating new ways of living for a peaceful and sustainable world. We recognise that the future of humankind and the natural world depends upon a worldview that is compassionate and interconnected and we help provide experiences and tools for people to relate to each other, and to the world, in new ways. The Findhorn Experience Week is a practical experience of how to apply sustainable values in daily life. The community began in 1962 so we turned 50 years old in 2012!
Scottish charity SC007233
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS Some Then&Now shots of our CC! Built by community members to accommodate an ever-flourishing influx of individuals!
#TBT To the original Findhorn Bay Holiday Park Sign, then and now!
Delightful piece on our Erraid location from For One Globe: "There is a gentle focus on living in the present; appreciating the beauty of nature, being grateful for where food has come from, valuing work, being thankful for a connection made with another."
Celebrating the power of music! And don't miss our upcoming workshop on Music and Consciousness with Sarah Perricone.
School of Youth is running for the fourth year in the Highlands of Scotland at the world renowned the Findhorn Foundation. The School of Youth brings together young people (ages 17–27) from different social, cultural, religious and economic backgrounds to engage in a 10-day learning experience. Blending outdoor adventures with creative group work, music, art and philosophy, the programme is highly innovative and effective in developing life-skills related to peace, sustainability and human flourishing. Join us 15 to 25 August 2018 for a unique experience. Find out more and book at
Dun I, the Hill, is the highest point of Iona. Considered its crown chakra, it is a fantastic place to be in awe of the spacious beauty, to meditate and be open to inspiration. Make your consciousness like the skye. Views of the Atlantic ocean and the surrounding isles. Gratitude :)
Angel of April is Joy Approach life with a buoyant attitude, light heart and unencumbered mind. Let joy lift your spirit and fill each moment. There is a presence that abides deep within each of us - that connects us to all that we are and all that is. We are holographic beings and therefore can enter into the whole from any point. Joy is an essential manifestation of this presence and is always available. Joy springs naturally from a deep sense of belonging, whereas suffering comes from the longing to be. In these stressful times, our beingness feels elusive and sometimes beyond our reach. Weighted down by guilt, shame, or a negative outlook, we hesitate to allow ourselves to experience joy. An unencumbered mind is not caught in the loop of pleasure seeking and pain blocking, it is free of rationalizations and preconceptions of what should happen. We are no longer distracted by the 'what ifs', but are open to the experience of the 'what is'. Joy is not a result, it is at the source and we are the sorcerers. Settle and feel at home in yourself, own your desires and feel curious about life. Let go of striving and time as a measure of movement. Reality is a continuous emanation of the soul's unfolding experience grounded in joy. May your month be filled with Joy-Full moments.. Warmly, Kathy Tyler The Angels are part of the Game of Transformation. Next Game at Findhorn: 5-12 May :)
Alistair McIntosh and his story of the power of spiritual activism.
#TBT Throwback Thursday: Bell-bottoms, humble beginnings and giant cabbages!