British International Freight Association - BIFA
The leading Body representing the UK International freight services industry. The British International Freight Association (BIFA) is the trade association for UK-registered companies engaged in international movement of freight by all modes of transport, air, road, rail and sea. BIFA has around 1500 corporate members, known generally as freight forwarders, which offer a wide range of services within these various modes.
BIFA represents over 1500 UK companies in the logistics and supply chain management sector. Members of BIFA are organisations engaged in the movement of freight to/from the UK by all modes of transport: air, road, sea and rail. Some members are also involved in providing customs clearance and other cross border controls.
A not-for-profit organisation, BIFA is funded by subscription and run by its members for members. It operates with a full-time Secretariat which administers and manages the Association’s affairs.
BIFA members adopt a code of conduct, and trade under a nationally accepted set of Standard Trading Conditions that are backed in the insurance sector.
The association provides:
• representation
• advice and information
• training and development
• industry promotion
BIFA ensures that the views of its members are properly presented, and listened to in many quarters. This is achieved by BIFA's active participation in other national and international governing bodies and institutions, and by political lobbying.
Advice and Information
Members of BIFA receive copies of the Association’s monthly newsletter, BIFAlink. This serves to keep them up to date on all aspects of the industry, including important matters which may affect their companies. BIFA’s website contains a full listing of members, and is constantly updated with information valuable to the entire international trading community. In addition BIFA runs a number of conferences and seminars throughout the year to ensure that subjects requiring special attention receive proper coverage.
Training and Development
BIFA provides industry training not only to members, but also to international traders. Courses are run throughout the year in various locations throughout the UK. The subjects covered include customs procedures, dangerous goods, security, import/export and international trade procedures.
Industry Promotion
BIFA is a dedicated to improving the standards of professionalism within the logistics and supply chain industry. The BIFA Secretariat handles over 2000 enquiries per year. BIFA encourages logistics as a career path to students, as well as providing assistance to new importers and exporters. Promotion is also achieved through regular participation at industry trade fairs throughout the UK.
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