Custom House Quay
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facebook.comFish a plenty in Falmouth this week!
Don't forget Friday night fireworks on the Quay at 10pm!
great day on the quay, followed by a visit from "Our Betty" Stoggs! ( Skinners Brewery pin up gal) she's gorgeous!
Its all going on down at the quay today! food, music, stalls, fairground rides, boat trips and beer - the sun has even come out too :)
Whoopy whoop! Wednesdays RNLI fun day on the quay is nearly upon us - don't forget to pay us a visit as there's LOADS going on all day long.... Stalls, food, music, boat trips & harbour cruises, pictures and gifts from the gallery, ferries, lifeboats, water polo, beer, ice creams... and it looks like sunshine to top it all off!
Red sky at night... Heres to a sunny Wednesday down on the quay 😀
Photos from Custom House Quay's post
It was a busy day on the Quay today with the highlight being the RFA Argus being moved to make way for the brand new RFA Tidespring pinching its spot. She is a going to be there for a few days so pop down for a closer look whilst enjoying the mild weather :)
Timeline Photos
Custom House Quay falmouth
Timeline Photos
Custom House Quay falmouth
Harbour Lights
Timeline Photos
Warning!!!! To all that know me and have historically parked outside The Watermens Gallery, with my blessing in the past......Custom House Quay has now introduced a new Camera Operated Parking System.....This will record every number plate entering and leaving the carpark and we have been factored into this , so from now on, I am afraid you will have to pay your £1 P/Hr and park in the actual spaces provided, or face a Penalty fee that will be sent to your home address. I am sure you will agree that this is not a huge sum to pay but I have to warn you that we can not be factored out of this equation and am in NO WAY responsible for any fee fine incurred or want the grief brought to my door for those who flout these new regulations, so please adhear to the new rules.
The Fude Dude
The pirates are coming!!!