Gary Orange chainsaw carver
Bespoke wooden chainsaw carvings, commissions undertaken for individuals and organisations. From seating areas for schools to personal commissions. Chainsaw carving is an art form which has grown massively since it crossed the atlantic from the united states,.In the united kingdom there are now a growing number of shows which the public can attend,such as the APF,this is a forestry show held every other year,also The English Open chainsaw carving competition,these are competitions where a large number of carvers carve against each other.International events are very popular and by far the best for carvers is the Ridgway chainsaw carvers rondezvous,this is un-arguably the capital of chainsaw carving in the world,held in February every year in pennsylvania united states of America.i attend all these shows as a matter of course,whist filling the rest of the year completing carvings for an array of situations ,be it a school seating area,a story telling throne for educational purposes for schools,to other personal commisions,such as benches with animals or nature themes,benches with leaves,also traditional carving themes such as owls,foxes,green man faces,horses,and last but not least,after tree surgery service,which is basically,tree surgeons reduce the tree with profesional tree climbers,then i will carve a theme chosen by the customer upon the chosen length of the tree stump left standing up right.the pictures of carvings will be updated on this site as work is completed,enjoy the pictures and contact me if you have an enquiery.
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facebook.comMy yahoo email address is down at the moment,if you need to get in touch please contact me using facebook on messenger or text my phone,apologies for any convenience caused.
Timeline Photos
Finished the detailing on the back of the Hunters Inn bench.
Photos from Gary Orange chainsaw carver's post
Heres the latest work for Exmoor Ntional park Hunters Inn Lynton Rangerz office and National trust site,
Photos from Gary Orange chainsaw carver's post
My latest commision finished today,Flying buzzard landing,barn owl perched,climbing squirrel,race horse jumping,and the name of the house on sycamore tree.
Photos from Gary Orange chainsaw carver's post
Heres something of interest for the black deer festival organisers!very similar to the logo for this amazing event!
Photos from Gary Orange chainsaw carver's post
Out in the rain,taking shape! ...multi carving tree.North Molton Devon.
Photos from Gary Orange chainsaw carver's post
Ongoing work on a totem pole that is telling a story of travel,involving native American indian,playing cards,brownie camera,sun rays rising,a star liner similar to the titanic also healing hands,and the outline of India!at the bottom of the totem there will be a removable panel with Ashes from the customers mother.Each symbol runs along a river.A river of a life story.
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The veterans bench for Collumpton commemoration garden outside the library.Awaiting varnish the instalation.
Herw is a picture with a story,Look closely and those of you who have seved in the Armed forces will notice the joint services emblem,kindly hand carved by my brother,retired royal signals warrant officer Mick Orange,.I have made 3 benches,These benches are for a garden in collumpton for veterans families to use,the whole garden is built for free by local builders to commemorate lost family members from every confilct you can think of,the benches are donated to a cause very close to me and anyone who has lost a family member of the Armed forces. Thanks for the members of somerset british legion for standing by the bench for this picture.
Photos from Gary Orange chainsaw carver's post
Todays office work,Bideford by the beach....big barn owl tree stump.
Photos from Gary Orange chainsaw carver's post
Three owl bench finished at Abbey hill steam fair,6foot long.
Timeline Photos
Buzzard commission.