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SoS Professional Homecare Ltd

West Ewell, Epsom, United Kingdom
Healthcare Administrator



Join out team. Earn from £9 up to £12 per hour. Searching for a care assistant with a driver licence to start ASAP. Superb benefits, superb career.
SOS Professional HomeCare provides high quality and flexible care for older and disabled people who want to avoid costly nursing homes and would like to continue living in their own homes.

-We know that choosing a care provider can be a tough decision but we are here to provide extra support, whether it be short term help after a hospital stay or longer term assistance with personal care, cooking, cleaning, medication or shopping.

Whether you want one hour a week or live in care, our friendly, qualified and experienced care workers offer a wide range of care services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

We support adults (18+), including people with complex conditions such as dementia or a learning disability, or those just needing a little bit of extra help at home.

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for those we serve, and we fulfill that mission through the right people caring for your loved one and the right approach to ensure your peace of mind.

The company-

SoS Professional HomeCare Ltd. is a family based company, and you will feel our our commitment and passion every single day we will provide the service for you or your loved ones.

We are not a franchise company trying to do business in the home care industry, we are an experienced team willing to provide a different approach in the care system.

We have no shareholders, no investors, no shares, no one to satisfy financially, everyone onboard is working on field, being at your side.

Because of this, the safety and well being of our clients comes first for everyone in our family.

We don't see our clients as business assets, we don't make a business playing with people, we see our clients as part of our family, and we assure them all our love and commitment, as a promise .

-Welcome to our family!


Do you feel unappreciated? Underpaid? Join our amazing team! Can you work 5-6 days a week? Start at 7 and end at approx 9PM? Do you need a different work place? Are you a driver? Acceptable English ? Want to help people? Want to make real money for your hard work? Become one of our amazing carers! Full training provided. GREAT range of benefits. Call us, we will give you an amazing hourly pay rate, benefits and a lot of love and respect! Change you life! We want you in our team...are you still losing precious time working in the wrong place??? Life is short! Contact us today! First barbeque is on us SOS Professional HomeCare

Do you feel unappreciated? Underpaid? Join our amazing team! Can you work 5-6 days a week? Start at 7 and end at approx 9PM? Do you need a different work place? Are you a driver? Acceptable English ? Want to help people? Want to make real money for your hard work? Become one of our amazing carers! Full training provided. GREAT range of benefits. Call us, we will give you an amazing hourly pay rate, benefits and a lot of love and respect! Change you life! We want you in our team...are you still losing precious time working in the wrong place??? Life is short! Contact us today! First barbeque is on us SOS Professional HomeCare

SOS Professional Homecare is proudly starting a new project called The Provider of Choise Award. This award will be launched at first in the Surrey area. We are trying to create a partnership with all the local Adult Social Care Teams in Surrey to make sure an independent and diverse jury will analyse all the providers that will wish to compete for a place in top10. Of course there can be only one Provider of Choise for 2018. If any care operators wish to join us as founding members they can contact us. Let's do something different and fair not based on who pays more or who spends more to show as a good service. Let's forget paid services to promote us as good services and do something that we can all aspire, something fair and independent, not touched by money. The management team of SOS Professional Homecare

Thank you 2017 for everything. Welcome 2018. Wish all our staff a Happy New 2018 full of joy and happiness.

Our CQC report is ready Aiming for Outstanding next time as we just prepared all the technicalities to be ready. It was impossible for a new provider that is not a franchise like 90% of the market to get that at the first inspection as a lot of the anual reports will be made at the end of the year and the inspector could not check them but, next year we will be ready and aiming high. We take a moment to thank our amazing team for all the passion and commitment. We welcome our new members (that joined us after the inspection) and encourage them to follow our path to perfection. As a new provider with limited resources we honestly believe that we can be 100% proud of the results . There is just a technical step to become Outstanding and we are working to proof that on the next inspection. This report is a proof of the high quality of services we provide here at SOS Professional Homecare every day. Our company earned 5 out of 5 Good ratings being marked as: Safe, Caring, Effective, Responsive and Well-lead. This is another proof for our service users that our services are as advertised. The team at SOS Professional Homecare

A big thank you for our amazing carers that are working today. Food, soft drinks and sweets are served at the office today. Your Christmas gifts were left for you by Santa at the office that will be opened till late as a sign of support for your personal sacrifice today. Please pop in to pick your pack. Also, As a Thank You gesture from our director: You Christmas bonus is included in the wages this year Don't forget: We are here in this together ! In the name of SOS Professional Homecare and all our service users we thank you for your dedication. We are proud to have the most amazing team ever !! LOVE you all The management team

We are working with Santa and he is on his way. Are you ready for him? The reindeers will start to fly soon. Santa is on his way

We are changing our logo to something more 2018'ish PM your opinion Thank you all for the support!

We started the small barbeque at 4PM and finished it quite late. Thank you all for popping in to celebrate. Thank you all for your hard work and commitment to our goal. Due to your fabulous work we can now be considered one of the best quality service in the area in regard to personal care. We have a long way before us but for our first year the results are astonishing. Next week we will publish the annual CQC report that would point out the extraordinary team that we are all part of, will recognise our hard work, investment in people, the quality of our service and the way we are seen in our field of work by our service users, care professionals and other adult social care body's. Be proud, you are part of a true remarkable team! As I promised all of you this will be the best work place of your life. A proud General Manager

We are not a recruitment agency, you will not pay any fees. We are the employer: SOS Professional Homecare is searching for two amazing individuals to become part of our team of care assistants/Support Workers. We need to cover two 24 hour clients (lady and gentleman) in Kingston KT1 area. The day shifts will be: 14h day time from 7AM to 9PM The night ones will be from 9pm to 7am and from 8Pm to 7am You can work as many days per week you desire. Starting ASAP Conversational english required. If you become our employee: You will be paid with £9 per hour for the first 6 months. You pay rate will be increased every 6 months. If you wish to become self employed and work with us (full support offered) you will get £11 per hour. This is the minimum pay rate. Do you want to be part of an exciting team? Join us and the first barbeque is on us Call Adrian on: 07934.298.713 or Florin on 07934.298.709 You will get a welcome bonus, and a Winter Holiday one. We can help you relocate if needed. Need a new rent without any deposit or any other fees? We can help! Call today, limited to two positions. If you are comming from EU the airplane ticket and any form of transport is on us. Contact us for details.


NEAR SoS Professional Homecare Ltd


Epsom, United Kingdom