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Moray Leisure Centre

Moray Leisure Centre Borough Briggs Road Elgin, Elgin, United Kingdom
Landmark & Historical Place



Situated in the Royal Burgh of Elgin, in the heart of Moray, Moray Leisure Centre has been the most popular leisure facility in the area since it was built in 1993.

Since then we have endeavoured to bring the people of Moray opportunities to experience a healthier lifestyle by introducing sports and activities such as Swimming, Ice Skating, Cardiovascular and Resistance fitness, Relaxation Suite, Healthy Eating Cafe, Healthy Living Centre and Care Provision.  

We also cater for functions such as Birthday Parties, Job Fairs, Shows and Special Events by transforming our Ice Rink into a huge function hall that can hold around 1,000 people.

Facilities: Swimming Pool
                Ice Rink
                Relaxation Suite
                Health and Wellness Suite
                Beauty Therapy
