Dick Vet Equine
We are committed to providing excellent equine care and helping clients and the public take better care of horses.
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facebook.comHorses in the U.K. and Ireland
"Calling all horse owners in the U.K. and Ireland. My name is Wendy Watson and I am a part-time PhD candidate based at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh. This survey contains short answer questions about your horse’s environment and health and should only take 10-15 mins to complete. It would be very much appreciated if you could complete this survey by clicking on the link below: https://edinburgh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/horses-in-the-uk-and-ireland Please share with all your horse owning friends in the U.K. and Ireland! Thank you.”
Photos from Dick Vet Equine's post
Many of you will know Dr John Keen, who has been the Head of the Equine Hospital for the past 7 years. John has stepped aside to concentrate on clinical and reseach work, primarily in cardiovascular disease. He has been an inspirational leader and was the driving force behind the building of the new surgical, diagnostic and critical care unit. He is also highly respected for his teaching abilities which are appreciated by staff and students alike. We are delighted to announce that Dr Patrick Pollock has taken on the mantle, and will be continuing John's good work, as well as bringing further exciting developments to the Hospital. Patrick is an RCVS-recognised Specialist in Equine Surgery, and also has a keen interest in the welfare of working animals in developing countries. There may be a changing of the guard, but we look forward to continuing to provide our patients with excellent clinical care!
Check out this spectacular chocolate creation for Cake Friday! Absolutely delicious and made by Meg, who has been seeing practice in DVEP this week!
Pye is expecting!
Can you spot the heartbeat? This is a 39 day pregnancy nestled safely in the uterus of the talented Pyrotechnic, owned and ridden by Stephanie. Pye had a foal several years ago and is now taking a break from competition to welcome a fully (we think!) into the world next spring!
We said a very sad farewell today to Francina, who has been one of our hospital surgical residents for the past 3 years. She is exceptionally talented and could not work harder. Francina will be concentrating on studying for her Diploma exams over the next few months and we wish her well - her positivity and cheerful disposition will be much missed!
Colic: What would you do?!
Nottingham University continues its research into the best ways to detect and manage colic. This stage involves seeking the views of horse owners specifically. If you have 10-20 minutes to complete a questionnaire about how you handle colic in your own horse you will be contributing to vital research! Thank you! https://nottingham.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/colic-what-would-you-do
Summer Care For Horses | Health Information & Advice | British Horse Society (BHS)
You might have noticed, but it's getting hot out there! This BHS article gives some good detailed advice, but in short, utilise shade where possible, avoid exercise and make sure water is always available. If you think your horse is overheating, use a hose or bucket to apply cold water, wait 30 seconds, scrape it off and repeat. And of course, contact us if you are worried! https://www.bhs.org.uk/advice-and-information/horse-health-and-sickness/summer-care
Photos from Dick Vet Equine's post
Fantastic day at Musselburgh racecourse for hospital vet Padraig and practice vet Louise! All horses and jockeys home safe. Family fun day so a great atmosphere too! All sustained by excellent ice cream 😋
The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust
Thank you to everyone who has very kindly donated unwanted tack to the Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust - it's great to see how it is used! Louise regularly sends a package to Ann from the Trust, so please do feel free to drop in to equine reception any time with small bits, headcollars, bridles, girths, driving harness or fly masks, which will be gratefully received. Most of the working animals are donkeys or light breed ponies so they can only use 4" bits or smaller. Thank you!
Equine Grass Sickness CPD Course Survey
Calling anyone with an interest in Equine Grass Sickness, do take part in this Equine Grass Sickness CPD course survey!! Mrs Bryony Lancaster, Deputy Director MSc Equine Science, from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, is carrying out this survey. Mrs Lancaster, with colleagues throughout the UK, is currently developing an online Continuing Professional Development course on Equine Grass Sickness and this survey is to help inform on the importance of course content. The survey has been granted ethical approval from the Human Ethics Research Committee, RDSVS, University of Edinburgh. Eligibility: Persons completing the survey will be 18+ years. Involvement: The survey will take approximately 7 minutes to complete and can be completed online. Your responses will be confidential. We do not collect identifying information such as name, your email, or your IP address. Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to participate and you may withdraw at any time. If you decide not to participate or to withdraw from the study, you will not be penalised in any way, and your responses will not be used Link to Survey: https://edinburgh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/equine-grass-sickness-cpd-course-survey Many thanks for your valued input into this survey.
Horses in the U.K. and Ireland
Calling all horse owners in the U.K. and Ireland! Wendy Watson, one of our PhD students based at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh is studying the way that we manage the natural needs of the horse in a domesticated setting. This survey contains short answer questions about your horse’s environment and health and should only take 10-15 mins to complete. It would be very much appreciated if you could complete this survey by clicking on the link below: https://edinburgh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/horses-in-the-uk-and-ireland Please share with all your horse owning friends in the U.K. and Ireland! Thank you.
Photos from Dick Vet Equine's post
Jill says farewell to Belle and the Highland Show for 2019! Thankfully our vets have not been busy 👍 but it’s been fantastic to be involved again. Safe home everyone!