Sea Cadets Leith
T. S. Howe, Leith Sea Cadets, Prince of Wales Dock, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 7DX. 0131 554 9887 (Tue/Fri Only)
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facebook.com07 April 2018 S.S Explorer Leith.
Can we have definite numbers of those confirmed as coming to the Inspection. This event is mandatory for all Cadets and staff. Tuesday 24th April. 1830 to 2130. CPO Percival Training Officer
Our 2018 Royal Navy Inspection is on the 24th of April this is fast approaching there will be a couple of training days on the run up to this these will be confirmed ASAP and posted on the unit Facebook page. This training and RNP is mandatory for all cadets and staff so maximum attendance by the cadets would be appreciated. If you could encourage your son or daughter to attend all training and the RNP evening. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend the RNP to see the cadets show off all they learn, do and achieve at Leith Sea Cadets. Thank you Sub Lt (SCC) R Couch RNR Commanding Officer Leith Sea Cadets
Stop the press.... Hold the bus!!! A very rare space has become available on TS royalist. It's a male bunk space so any of our blokes who want to go speak to me asap!! I will apply for a bursary to help will the cost! Be quick CPO Percival Training Officer
Weekend plans... Lots to tell you so bear with me! Everyone is welcome to come and see aboard SS Explorer on Saturday 07th April. Our visit starts at 12noon and we should be finished by 1400. Rig of the day 4s with windies or a dark jacket if you don't have one and caps. Meet at Bath Road entrance to docks at 1145 so we have plenty of time. AC Rebecca, Cdt 1st Eyesha and Cdt 1st Tommy will be at Musselburgh practicing for Nationals. And next weekend we all need to be at our unit to practice for our RNP. Attendance is mandatory for everyone. CPO Percival Training Officer
Well the fun never stops at Leith Sea Cadets after another busy day the new container and en’suite heads (toilets) are after many years waiting are now in place. Thank you must go to Leith UMT for their hard work and perseverance on this project. And in the next few weeks they will have hot water and electricity to quote a rather excited cadet OH MY ACTUAL!!. 🚽 🚽
Do you have any award winning sea cadet photos hidden away... Why not share them and be in with a chance of winning this prize? Speak to me of you need a hand CPO Percival Training Officer
***SHIPS VISIT - SS EXPLORER - 07 APRIL 1200*** Ever wondered what the old ship is moored across the port from us? We have been invited to visit the Steamship Explorer this Saturday from 1200 - the ship is the last of its kind and this is a great opportunity to visit it! Sign up sheets will be posted in the unit on Tuesday, juniors and seniors welcome! Maximum turnout would be great. Rig is 4s with windies and caps for seniors, jumpers and berets for juniors. Bring a packed lunch as we'll be heading to the unit for RNP practice afterwards. Find out more here: 1st Lt