New Horizon Church UK
We are a young, vibrant Church located in the town of Eastwood on the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire border. We believe that life should be more than just existing from day to day but more about living a life full of friendship, fun and faith. Welcome to our Church
We are a young, vibrant Church located in the town of Eastwood on the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire border. We believe that life should be more than just existing from day to day but more about living a life full of friendship, fun and faith.
We are committed to creating a relevant and vibrant Church full of energy and vision to care for our community, help people explore the Christian faith and fulfill the purposes of God within today’s generation.
We passionately believe that our Church is not just for people who have a faith but also people who would like to start or restart a journey of faith.
We hold a Sunday Service every Sunday morning from 11.00am to 12.30pm at the Eastwood Theatre (Eastwood Comprehensive School) Mansfield Road, Eastwood.
If you live within the Nottingham, Derby and Mansfield area, or even further afield, we would love to see you one Sunday!
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facebook.comJust a reminder we have our Pre-service Prayer meeting tomorrow morning, 9.30am-10.30am at Hall Park Academy, we’d love to see you there!
Our Shine Bake off is happening in 2 days! We are excited to taste all the sweet treats. This event is going to be great, why not invite a friend!? We look forward to seeing you there, even if your not a baker, why not come along anyway and taste the creations! 7.00pm at Our Impact Centre (Dovecote Rd, NG16 2EZ) See you there!
New Horizon Church we can't wait to see you at church tomorrow morning! This Sunday we have Chris Mangan speaking and we're looking forward to the incredible word he's going to bring. Not only this but there's going to be time to socialise, worship and pray together too. - SUNDAY SERVICE 19.11 . Eastwood Theatre (Hall Park Academy) NG16 3EA . Doors open from 10:15am for tea and coffee . Service Start 11:00am - 12:30pm - You're #invited and all are welcome.
New Horizon Church we hope you've had a great week! We can't wait to see you at #CHURCH this coming Sunday morning. This Sunday we have Chris Mangan bringing an incredible message as well as worship, prayer and social time. We're expecting another great morning together as we gather as one church in the name of Jesus! - We hope to see you there and why not invite a friend to #trychurch - SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE 19.11 . Eastwood Theatre (Hall Park Academy) NG16 3EA . Doors Open from 10.15am for tea and coffee . Service starts at 11:00am - 12:30pm
Ladies, we are looking forward to our Shine bake off happening this Monday! Get your bake on and bring your creations with you, there will be prizes given! Even if you can't bake, we'd love to see you, there will be cakes, plate decorating and a gift to be given to each woman too! Why not bring a friend? It's going to be a great event and we can't wait to see you there! 7.00pm at Impact Centre (Dovecote Rd, NG16 2EZ)
NEW HORIZON MEN we're starting the festive season with a great event. On Saturday 2nd December join us for an all you can eat breakfast for £5 at the Hole in the Wall in Underwood!! Book in now and invite a friend along too. - There's going to be food, festive games, community and a Christmas jumper competition. So bring your finest festive knitwear and expect a great time as we get together for this years Men's Christmas Breakfast. - BOOK IN NOW AT: 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲
On Saturday New Horizon Youth had an amazing time at SYC ON TOUR!! The day included two sessions of worship, games and messages centred on the theme of 'Living Out of the Overflow'. - During the evening session Youth Coordinator Naomi Gordon shared a message titled 'You Are What You Eat' challenging the young people to feed themselves on Jesus by prioritising their relationship with Him. Not only this but New Horizon Youth were also the proud winners of 'The Wacky Races' as they challenged other youth groups in team games. - If you want any more information about New Horizon Youth please head to
'Planted in the house of the Lord they will flourish' Psalm 92: 13 - New Horizon Church what an incredible morning we had together! This morning we heard an incredible word from Executive Pastor Steve Bell who spoke about the importance of being 'Planted' based on Psalm 92: 12 - 13. We need to: 1/ Be Rooted 2/ Be Fed 3/ Grow - If you missed today's message, head to to listen to the podcast. - We pray you have a great week and we look forward to gathering together again soon! 🙌
It's Sunday morning which means it's time for CHURCH! We're looking forward to socialising, praying and worshipping together as one church in the name of Jesus! - Everyone is welcome and you are #invited, we would love to see you there! - / Eastwood Theatre (Hall Park Academy) NG16 3EA / Doors Open from 10.15am for tea and coffee / Service starts at 11:00am - 12:30pm See you there!
During our morning service tomorrow there will be opportunity for people to come forward for prayer. This will be taking place during the worship time. Also during our prayer time tomorrow we will be observing a minutes silence for Remembrance Sunday. Will we then be praying for peace in the world and for comfort to those who have lost love ones in conflict.
New Horizon Church we can't wait to see you at #church this Sunday! Tomorrow we have Executive Pastor Steve Bell speaking at our Sunday morning service. - SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE 10.11 /Eastwood Theatre (Hall Park Academy) NG16 3EA / Doors open from 10.15am for tea and coffee / Service start 11:00am - 12:30pm We look forward to seeing you there! #trychurch
New Horizon Church! It's nearly that time of the week again where we get to socialise, pray and worship together in the name of Jesus 🙌 we can't wait to see you for what's going to be another incredible Sunday morning service! - This coming Sunday we're looking forward to having Executive Pastor Steve Bell bringing a message from the Bible that will encourage and inspire you in your life and faith! - SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE 12.11 / Eastwood Theatre (Hall Park Academy) NG16 3EA / Doors open from 10.15am for tea and coffee / Service Start 11:00am - 12:30pm Invite a friend to #trychurch. We can't wait to see you there!