D&D Patisserie
Romanian patisserie in East Ham, a collection of traditional Romanian receipes from a cuisine in which desserts are highly appreciated!
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Mind. Attitude. Class. D&D Patisserie
More than a cake. It always seems impossible until it’s done! D&D Patisserie
Cea mai frumoasa pereche, unul pufos si cealalta delicioasa! Invita-i sa-ti fie alaturi la masa de Paste si fa-i pe toti cei dragi fericiti! Comand-o acum la D&D Patisserie 41 High Street North E6 1HS 02085489146 sau 131 High Street South E6 3PA 02084704144
Golden marble cake. Simple and elegant. D&D Patisserie
Beautiful and unique! D&D Patisserie
Minimalist design, maximum impact! D&D Patisserie www.ddpatisserie.co.uk
Topped with delicate flowers and embellished with a fine pearled texture! D&D Patisserie www.ddpatisserie.co.uk
Sweet bouquet! D&D Patisserie